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I'm gonna stop trying to hold off the entertainment district arc- i'll let it happen when it happens.
I've skipped about three chapters of filler just by writing this chapter the way I did.

Rengoku pulled the covers up over his body, making himself comfortable lying on his back. The bed was large enough for the two of them to sleep without touching, but Uzui's hand was ever so slightly brushing up against Rengoku's.

(Ok i'll be the one to say it- Tengen's 100% touch starved.)

Is he doing it on purpose? Rengoku mulled over the thought for a moment, then linked his pinkie finger with the sound pillar's. Perhaps that would yield some sort of comfort.

After a second's pause, Uzui flipped his hand over, holding Rengoku's with their fingers intertwined. Without thinking, he squeezed gently, rubbing his thumb over the demon's knuckles.

With a soft, inquisitive hum, Rengoku closed his eyes. Something about the interaction felt so right- so undeniably perfect. It was so simple, such a small touch, but it sent bursts of happiness through his entire body.

Uzui smiled, listening silently as the flame pillar's breaths became deep and slow. He was asleep. Only then did Uzui let out a long exhale, clearing his mind as he tried to do the same. Having Rengoku nearby helped, though. He felt more at ease with him in the same room. Cool peace filled the space around them, and his eyes drifted shut.

Teeny tiny timeskip- couple of hours

Bright light streaming through the open window shook Uzui out of his slumber. He startled awake, quickly tugging at the blankets and burying Rengoku before the sun reached him. The sleeping flame hashira, oblivious to how close he'd been to death, continued dreaming.

Uzui let out an incredulous huff. How'd the window open? He got up, glancing around for any possible cause of the hazard. His gaze landed on his crow, who was preening his feathers perched on the windowsill. "Nijimaru."

The corvid's eyes flashed as it tucked its wing back over his back, cocking his head ever so slightly towards the pillar.

"Did you open the window?"

"I did!" He cawed loudly. "I opened it and came inside!"

"I can see that," Uzui frowned. "You nearly killed Rengoku, birdbrain."

"Uh oh!"

The sound pillar held a finger over his mouth in a shushing gesture. "Quiet, he's still sleeping. You can come with me.. I have a few things to do."

"Okay!" Nijimaru alighted on Uzui's shoulder, sitting there while the hashira got ready for the day. Uzui made him leave the room while he was changing, though. (So you demons don't rush to the comments with 'that crow's seen so much' or smth like that) After he'd adorned all his accessories and makeup, Uzui set off for the Master's mansion.

Teeny tiny timeskip x2 - half an hour

Knocking lightly on the door, he waited for it to open. Pre-arriving at the mansion, he'd confirmed via crow that he was clear to visit, so it wasn't a surprise to the Ubuyashiki family when he showed up.

The door slid away, Amane quickly welcoming Uzui and letting him inside. She led him to Kagaya's room, rapping softly on the wood before stepping back to wait.

"You can - come in." His words were interrupted with a rasping cough, instilling a drop of worry in Uzui's heart.

Nodding his thanks to Amane, the sound pillar entered the master's room. He was greeted with the faint scent of wisteria, and a friendly smile. He knelt down respectfully.

"Tengen, my child, how are you? Is Kyojuro doing well?" Now confined to his bed, it was all Kagaya could do to sit up and stay relaxed in his children's presence. Though no one else could, Uzui could hear the strain behind the master's voice.

"I'm doing stellar. Rengoku's great, he's-" he paused, "It's been fun having him around. He's having trouble using his breathing style, though."

"Nijimaru told me you sparred," Kagaya nodded to the proud-looking bird on Uzui's shoulder. "It seems that even without his flame breathing, Kyojuro can still keep up with you?"

"Yep! He's still as flashy a swordsman as ever!"

"That's good.. he'll need to on your next mission. I hope I'm not wrong to assume you're heading off to the Entertainment District?"

(Kagaya the foreshadow vending machine)

Uzui hummed in confirmation. "You're on point with that, Oyakata-sama."

Kagaya's smile softened in concern. "I worry for you. Be careful, Tengen. This is more than a regular demon." Casting his unseeing gaze to the floor, he murmured, "I don't want a repeat of the Mugen Train."

(Kagaya the foreshadow vending machine x2??)

"I'll make sure that doesn't happen. I'll keep everyone safe!" He grinned.

"Protect your life, too. Don't lose yourself trying to ensure the safety of others," he cautioned.

Smiling guiltily, Uzui nodded. "Alright. I'll keep that in mind. Thank you, Master."

"Of course, my child. Is there anything else you want to talk about?"

"I was wondering if I could borrow a few lower ranked demonslayers to bring along."

Kagaya hummed thoughtfully. "I see nothing wrong with that. You may," he allowed.

"Great! That's all then," Uzui chided, rising to his feet.

"Take care, Tengen," the master waved goodbye.

"I will." Halfway out of the room, Uzui looked back and bowed slightly. "I wish you continued well-being!" With that said, he left.

Now off to the Butterfly Mansion.


If you've read the manga or seen the anime, you know what happened.

Sumiko, Inoko, and Zenko have been recruited 😌

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