"Two months" Christina repeated to herself scoffing and pacing back and forth around the room with her hand on her hips, the 15 year old girl just recieved news from her mother telling her she will be marrying the prince in 2 months and the only way to get to know him was by having tea....
She knew not many girls even have the opportunity to see their future husband before the wedding so she was acctually quite grateful for this in wich she decided this might be a good thing...maybe.
She didn't know much about the king other than he will be turning 17 in a few months while Christina will be turning 16 in 2, and also that he wasn't fully white...well that all people ever talk about anyways and they all have their different opinions; ' it's scandoules' 'he shouldn't be let to the throne blah blah' Christina was mixed herself so she thought that was another plus.
Her thoughts got ntruppted by a knock at her door "are you ready for the tea your majesty the carriage is waiting" she let out a loud sigh and walked the room putting on a fake smile.

What she was wearing

What she was wearing

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