Chapter 1

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-Driving to Hawkins Middle in Jonathan's car- 

TW: f slur

"You look tired," Jonathan says after about 5 minutes of absolute silence.

Will was currently spaced out watching as the trees seemed to fly by outside the window. 

"Will?" Jonathan asked, after his non-response.

"What?-oh. Ye-Yeah. I didn't get much sleep last night." Will responded once he had snapped out of his long train of thoughts.

"You've been saying that a lot lately. Anything bothering you?" Jonathan asked.

"No." Will lied as convincingly as he could. He had gotten used to lying about being okay. 

Jonathan had always been able to tell when something was up, but he knew he shouldn't pry when Will's tired. "It's not my snoring again, is it?" Jonathan joked. Making Will laugh seemed like a better approach.

Will faked a laugh. "No, it's not that. Although your snoring is annoyingly loud. You should probably see a doctor about it." Will also decided to crack a joke in an attempt to steer away from the topic of his sleep.

The truth was, Will was getting about 2-4 hours of sleep every night. 4 hours is usually when he has nightmares. 2 hours... well, let's just say he's thinking about someone. It's not much of a secret that something is Mike. Although, Will is constantly trying to tell himself that's not true. He just can't stop thinking about him, though. His voice, his eyes, his grandpa sweaters, his freckles, his messy dark brown hair, his touch, his everything. Not to mention anything and everything that falls into his personality. 

Jonathan laughed and turned on some music. 

The rest of the car ride was silent other than the song, "Boys Don't Cry" by The Cure playing.


Will hopped out of the car and waved goodbye to Jonathan. 

People immediately stared at him. Will was used to this; people giving him funny looks. But this was different. Everyone was staring. Everyone. Will became anxious as he walked through the hallways. Why were they staring at him like this? 

He turned a corner to the hallway where his locker is. He was stunned. Not in a good way; the hallway was filled with people looking and laughing at something near-wait no.

Will shoved through all the people to see a giant paper sign on his locker. "ZOMBIE BOY!" it read with a picture of him with crossed out eyes. 

Will just wanted to get away from all this chaos. Just make a run for it. But he was completely surrounded with older, and much stronger kids who would easily strangle him if he tried.

Will was already about to burst out in tears when he overheard kids whispering,"He's such a f*g.", "I know right", "it's so obvious". 

Nothing felt real to Will at this moment. He had died. The ground had swallowed him whole. At least he wished it had. He puts his hands on his ears and tries to back away slowly, hot, salty tears dripping down his cheeks and, eventually, his neck. 

Little does he know the person he's backing into is the one and only, Troy. 

The whole in his stomach dragged his entire body with it.

"Where the hell do you think you're going 'bud?" Troy snickered.

Fuck me. Will thought to himself. 

Before Will could even think of a way to get away, Troy pushed him to the ground and chanted.


Mike parked his bike and made his way up to the school.

As Mike walked through the hallway, he noticed that a lot of kids were whispering and staring and what not more than usual. He didn't really care what they were whispering about, as long as they hadn't figured his secret out. Or, of course, if something had happened to Will, his best friend.

He began to hear shouting once he came near the hallway with Will's locker. He ignored it as usual, until he heard whimpering. He would recognize who made that sound easily. That was the sound he heard when someone fell off their bike. That was the noise he heard when a dog bit someone. That, was the whimper coming from the very someone Mike has a crush on. His best friend, Will Byers. 

He sprung into action. Straight up-dropped his backpack and ran. 

"HEY!" He shouted several times as he rushed through the crowd of people, taking a quick glance at Will's locker and sighing in sorrow, then looking down to Will, on the floor, eyes red, crying, scared, and defenseless against Troy, who was standing above him, taunting him and laughing. Mike wanted to cry. 

But he had no time. He practically threw himself at Troy, who, in return, shoved him all the way into a locker. He hit his head on the metal.

His head was spinning but he didn't give up. He quickly scrambled to his feet and shot a punch towards Troy's face. Troy flew back and he fell on the floor.

Finally, a teacher rushes in and the crowd scatters. 

Troy makes a run for it as well, but Mike isn't done with him; he runs after him. All the way, through the hallways, into the gym. He uses all his might and catches up to him, pushing him with all his force, to the ground.

"GO TO HELL!" Mike yells at him as he flips him off and walks away. Which eventually breaks into a run as he spots the teacher-along with the principle. 

He reaches the hallway where Will is and rushes over to him. He flops down in front of him with one knee up and the other on the ground, about a foot away from Will.

"Mike." Will says in a quiet, broken voice.

Mike puts a hand on his shoulder. "Will." He says in his soft "Will Voice", preserved only for him. 

They gay's (i'm spelling it that way bc idk how to spell it but also...hehehehehe) into each other's eyes.

Mike takes a quick glance at Will's lips and back, wide-eyed and admiring his features.

It feels as if time stopped for both of them. They inch closer...

hehehehhehehehehehehehehe im evil. sorry for all the angst the next one is gonna be very fluff-y and comfort-y. also this was my first fanfiction ever sooooo... if it was horrible thats why-and please dear god tell me if it was. i will try to update every other day. but anywaysssss... i need sleep. im only getting 5 hours tonight sooo yayyyyyyy 😒 

my yt: arianna_rawr_

comments are appreciated 🫶

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