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*Zac called the cleaners and told them to bring cinder blocks for jones. The guys waited around until the cleaners got there. Zac told them what to do with Jones and the guys got right to work. The guys said there goodbyes and went separate ways. Cody and Zac made it home , looked at each other and dapped each other up then went and cleaned all that bullshit off them. They got out the shower and put their clothes in trash bags that they will burn in the morning. They got in the bed with their lady and went to sleep like nothing happened. The next morning Zac woke up to an empty bed. he sat up and looked around but no Fatima. He checks his phone and sees he got a text message from Fatima it read.

*Sorry I left without waking you up but I know you got in late so I let you sleep. Call me when you wake up I made you breakfast it's in the microwave love you baby have a great day.*

*Zac got up and started slipping on some clothes when he heard a knock on the door it was Cody. He told him to come in Cody walked and saw Zac in the bathroom brushing his teeth so you know he had the jokes ready.

Cody: Man about fucking time you brushed your fucking teeth Nigga. I ain't wanna say nothing in the car but your shit was funky.

Zac laughing: Fuck you bitch I know for a fact my shit don't stank because your sister can't keep her lips off mine.

Cody: Aye Zac don't talk about my sister like that you lucky you ain't got one.

Zac: If I did she wouldn't want your black ass so what's the point.

Cody: Man hurry up and bring your spike lee looking ass on we got moves to make.

Zac: Nigga I'm coming what all we gotta do because we gotta get this business to rolling.

Cody: Yea I know bro umm we gotta make a couple drops and we gotta find somebody to run the south.

Zac: Fuck I forgot all about that shit damn man if it's not one thing it's another.

Cody: Nigga tell me about it bro I'm ready for this shit to be over lol.

Zac: Me too Umm you wanna go and chill with the women for lunch.

Cody: Yea we can do that just pop up on that ass.

Zac: Hell yea did Andi wake you up this morning before she left?

Cody: Man I was sleeping so hard I wouldn't know but I don't think she did.

Zac: Yea Fatima ain't wake me up either come on let's go because I'm hungry asf.

*Zac and Cody left the house and went to Waffle House they called Nate and Preston to come and join. Meanwhile At the law firm Andi was about to get a blast from her past.

Fatima: Hey Andi you got a visitor here but he not on your books. He said you and him are old friends and he needs a lawyer badly.

Andi: Ok umm send him back I don't know who this could be.

*She went and got him*

Worm: Andi long time no see I need some help and you the perfect person for the job.

Andi nervous: Umm Fatima umm thank you but that will be all can you close the door behind you please.

Fatima: Andi you sure you ok you don't look so well?

Andi: Yea I'm good girl I'm just getting hungry again I'm good.

Fatima: Ok well if you need anything just ring me and I mean anything.

Worm laughing: You don't gotta worry love she in good hands right Andi?

Andi: Right

Fatima: Ok I'll be in my office Andi.

*Fatima goes to her office*

Andi: Worm what the fuck are you doing here man I told you I'm done with that life

Worm: I told you when I walked in I got a job and I need your help.

Andi: Listen Worm I can't help you my man would kill me if he found out.

Worm: Man nobody is worried about him I need your help and I'm not taking no for a answer. Plus you owe me so you kinda don't have a choice.

Andi: Nigga I don't owe you anything I paid you all your money now get out.

Worm: Not so fast you might not but your sister owes me money. She even gave me your number and said that you will help me so you are in my debt.

Andi: Listen whateva my sister and you have going on I don't want no parts of it.

Worm: Listen you don't have a fucking choice here in this. Because if you don't help me and I lose my son I will fucking kill your sister and you know I will do it.

Andi: Worm please don't do this to me please I finally got my life where I want it and I'm not trying to mess up.

Work: Listen I'm not trying to mess nothing up but I will if you don't help me. My son is the only family I got if she take that away from me I don't know what I will do. Plus if you help me I will let you be one of the first to try out my newest project k been working on.

Andi: No worm I don't do that anymore I'm done with that life.

Worm: Listen this pill is nothing like ecstasy it won't have you all fucked up in the head. This will give you a functional high that last longer than any other pill I'm on one right now. So you tell me do I look like I'm fucked up I really need your help Andi. Listen if you do this for me I will hook you up with the pills and pay you in cash and I won't harm your sister.

Andi: Fuck fuck fuck man please don't do this to me please.

Worm: I'm sorry Andi this is how it is man look I'm gone leave you a few of these pills. I will call you tomorrow so you can get in contact with my baby momma lawyer thank you Andi. Oh and don't forget I will kill your sister if you decline and don't tell your lil boyfriend I would hate to put him on a shirt.

*Worm got up and left out of Andi office she just sunk in her chair feeling defeated. She looked down on her desk and there was a little baggy with 4 red pills in it. She knows if she takes the pills her life as she knows it will change and she don't want to lose everything she worked so hard for. Then on the other hand the high she got from that weed was good but that pill high is totally different and she was really intrigued on the pill and it's effects.

She picked the baggy up and took one out she just looked at it and it was like she could hear the pill calling her name over and over again the pressure got the best of her and she popped it. Soon as she swallowed it Fatima came in and asked was ok and did she need anything she told her no she good. Fatima went back to her office when she walked in she got a FaceTime call from Zac.

Fatima: Hello?

Zac: Well look who it is Ms I don't wanna wake you up to say bye.

Fatima laughing: I'm sorry baby you was sleeping so peacefully I ain't wanna mess that up.

Zac: My whole day been off since I ain't get my morning kiss from my baby.

Fatima: Hmm seem like someone is missing me is that what I'm hearing?

Zac: Hell yea I miss you and I'm not ashamed to say it.

Fatima blushing: Ohh I miss you too baby I don't think we staying late tonight.

Zac: Good because I'm not feeling the love right now lol. How Andi Cody ain't get no love either

Fatima: She good she in her office one of her old clients came and seen her.

Zac: Aw that's wassup well I'm not gone hold you up from doing your work baby.

Fatima: Ok you need to be at home when I get there because I need some good loving tonight.

Zac: Oh shit now you know I like when you tell me that shit I will be home and ready to go.

Fatima: Mmm I like that well let me get off of here I love you baby see you when I get home.

Zac: I love you too baby bye.

*Zac and Fatima got off the phone Zac just sat there all in love then Cody busted in Fucking with him. Zac gave Cody the bird and went back outside where the guys was discussing who is taking over the south.

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