Chapter Three

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Y/n got lost inside the dungeon again

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Y/n got lost inside the dungeon again. though now she was getting chased down by a black minotaur. he was breaking everything that came in contact with his axe. She was breathing heavily. trying to avoid getting sliced by it. though with the electricity flowing through her body. 

she stopped for a moment looking into the minotaur's eyes. which were filled with nothing but hatred. "inferno." she muttered. a few of her wings lit up on fire and went flying toward the monster. one of them started scratching him. One flew through his body and got covered in his blood. 

Y/n wanted to throw up, by the horrible smell of burnt blood.

a yell erupted from his throat. it echoing down the walls of the dungeon. "Xunteps," she called out. pulling back the string of her bow. aiming it at the head of the monster that was yelling in pain and gripping his chest. 

she took a deep breath. tuning out the world around her. everything around her turning into a blur beside his head. moving her hand to where ever his head was moving. 

for a split second, he stopped moving, that's when y/n let go of the string. the meteor grew in size almost instantly. y/n finally blinked and heard the minotaur let out a last painful yell before it burst into ash. Its head is the first one to go. followed by its torso and lastly its legs. it left nothing but its blood splattered around the walls and floors. the axe was also left behind. y/n walked over to it and picked it up.

it weighed like nothing to her. 

"I wonder how much this'll go for," she said to herself. not expecting a reply. "over a hundred million. it has curse magic in it and was wielded by a powerful monster that killed several parties." a voice said and a person emerged from the shadows. wearing a cloak and didn't show their face. 

but from their figure. y/n could tell she was a female. 

'I don't like people here. ' she thought to herself. standing up straight. "oh, thank you. for that information." she bowed her head slightly. turning around and started walking away. she heard the person take a step and grabbed her hidden sword turning around just in time to block an upcoming attack. 

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