Part 3

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Once they had gotten to the drive in, they were trying to figure out sitting a range meant, they decided that Alec and august would take the fold up chairs, Nick and Chris would sit in the back of Wes's truck and Wes, jasp, and Matt sat in the back of Alec's truck. The movie had started

Wes - hey we need more popcorn
Jasp - okay let's go get it, Matt we'll be back

Wes and jasp went to go get some more popcorn

Wes - so what's that going on there
Jasp - wdym
Wes - you and Matt
Jasp - idk what your talking about wes there's nothing going on
Wes - there has to be I see the way y'all act
Jasp - what
Wes - he looks at you like he's in love with you and when they showed up he was the first one you hugged
Jasp - you can't tell anything by a look and me hugging him first don't mean anything
Wes - okay but I'm telling you
Jasp - and I'm telling you there nothing there
Wes - well I'm gonna go sit with Chris and Nick I got something to talk to Chris about
Jasp - okay

Jasp and Wes headed back out and went to we're they were sitting

Matt - hey why's Wes going to sit over there
Jasp - he said he wanted to talk about something with Chris
Matt - oh okay
Jasp - so how you liking Tennessee so far
Matt - yeah it's been a fun day
Jasp - well in a few days we will take y'all to gatlinburg
Matt - okay that's sounds fun
Jasp - im gonna take y'all to my favorite place, it's a museum based on the prison Alcatraz
Matt - oh right you like that creepy serial killer stuff
Jasp - haha yeah

They all sat there and finished the movies and they realized it was late, so they all went back to Wes's place to get there cars. Jasp and Wes went inside and started talking

Jasp - hey have you told anyone yet that your moving to la
Wes - no I haven't I've been waiting for the right moment
Jasp - hey when are you moving exactly
Wes - a few days after my birthday
Jasp - oh okay so we will probably be on the same flight
Wes - maybe
Jasp - it's getting late we should probably get some rest

(The next day)

They were all at jasps uncles house

Wes - umm so sense every one is here, I have some news
Dan (jasps uncle) - what are you talking about son
Wes - a little after my birthday I will be moving to la
Tam (jasps mom) - what, why are you just saying this now
Wes - well I was waiting for everyone together
Dan - son do you even have any where to live up there
Jasp - yeah he's moving in with me I had an extra room , plus how else is he supposed to meet bille

Wes and jasp fist bump

Dan - okay where you gonna work to pay rent
Wes - I'll find a job when I get there
Dan - well son I hope everything works out

After that it was a little awkward the rest of the day but it was okay m, the day went smoothly. It was a few days later Wes, jasp, and the triplets had went to Gatlinburg they all had fun and the triplets vlogged the trip.

(Skip to everyone being in la)

Wes and jasp had gotten back to jasp apartment

Jasp - so your rooms over there my room is over there but yeah
Wes - okay got it and where's kakashi
Jasp - oh he's probably in my room cause sense Madi was here she watched him, I'll go get him

Jasp goes to get her little French bulldog kakashi

Wes - aww there you are little man
Jasp - haha
Wes - alright well I'm gonna get settled into my room
Jasp - okay

Jasp got a call from Matt

Jasp - hey what's up
Matt - you wanna be in today's video
Jasp - sure what are y'all doing
Matt - were doing ter list again
Jasp - sure can y'all pick me up in 30
Matt - yes see you then
Jasp - okay

Jasp hangs up the phone

Jasp - HEY WES
Wes - yeah what's up
Jasp - im gonna go film a video with the triplets you gonna be okay here by your self
Wes - yeah I'll probably just get settled in and watch some tv
Jasp - okay here's your copy of the key if you decide to go anywhere
Wes - okay see you later
Jasp - bye

The triplets pick up jasp and they head to somewhere to film the video they were half way through the video when a ter list popped up that jasp went all out on

Matt - so the next one is, haha jasp your gonna love this one
Jasp - what is if
Matt - favorite serial killers
Chris - omg haha
Nick - oh this is all you jasp
Jasp - Richard Ramirez the night stalker for one and dhamer at second and I really don't have a 3rd, wait wait yes I do, h.h.Holmes
Matt - yeah that's sounds about right
Jasp - are y'all gonna do it
Chris - nah I think that's all you
Jasp - haha okay then

They finished the video

Nick - so jasp you gonna stay over
Jasp - no I can't I gotta go home because im gonna show Wes around la tomorrow
Nick - okay sounds like fun
Jasp - yeah it should be, he's hoping so bad he runs into bille
Chris - haha sounds like him

They finally reached jasp apartment she went inside and Wes had fallen asleep on the couch with kakashi. Jasp went to her room and got ready for bed. She was laying there when she got a call which was weird cause it was 11 o'clock at night, she looked at her phone and it was Matt and it was a FaceTime, she answered the phone

Jasp - hey is everything okay you never call this late
Matt - nothing I was just bored
Jasp - ahh okay, so what you doing
Matt - i was playing the game but got bored of it so now im laying here watching tv, wbu
Jasp - im was about to sleep
Matt - oh sorry I'll let you sleep
Jasp - nah it's okay I'll talk to you tell I get really tired

They continued to talk tell about 2 am but they both passed out of the phone

(Yeah so maybe Wes was right there is something there)

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