Part 5

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Jasp was fast asleep when she started having a dream

(Jasps dream)

Jasp and Matt we're sitting on the couch watching a show and jasp got scared and practically jumped into Matt's arms

Matt - you okay
Jasp - oh yeah sorry
Matt - no it's okay stay there
Jasp - umm okay
Matt - jasp
Jasp - yeah
Matt - I have something to tell you
Jasp - okay what's is it
Matt - I like you a lot
Jasp - wait really
Matt - yeah..
Jasp - I like you too but I didn't think you would feel the same

Matt leaned in to kiss jasp

(End of dream)

Jasp jumped up out of her sleep, confused on what just happened

(In jasp head)

Jasp - what no jasp we can't, no no no, I can't believe it I can't like my best friend, I can't like him, damn it I like him m, Wes was right, I need to talk to Wes about what to do, I know Matt doesn't want me

(Back to reality)

Jasp could fall back asleep so she went on her phone and waited for the time to pass so she could talk to Wes. She finally heard Wes wake up and walk into the living room, she ran into the living room

Jasp - Wes I need to talk to you
Wes - jasp it's to early for this
Jasp - Ive been up for hours and I need to talk to you
Wes - look jasp I just woke up just give me a few minutes
Jasp - I need to really talk about this
Wes - fine what's up
Jasp - I like matt and idk what to do because I know he doesn't like me and I don't wanna seem like and idiot and idk wha...
Wes - jasp calm down I understand this is scary for you to realize but calm down and talk slower
Jasp - okay
Wes - okay now try again
Jasp - I like Matt and I need to know what to do
Wes - well you could tell him
Jasp - but I don't wanna ruin the friendship
Wes - well if you don't tell him then don't push him away
Jasp - but how am I gonna be around him
Wes - you're gonna have to figure it out cause if you don't they'll know something's wrong
Jasp - okay your right

Right after that she gets a phone call, jasp looked at her phone and saw it was Matt so she showed her phone to Wes

Jasp - aww great
Wes - act normal

Jasp answered the phone

Matt - hey what are you and Wes doing tonight
Jasp - oh um nothing I know of
Matt - okay y'all wanna come hang out today
Jasp - sure we'll be over soon
Matt - alright see you then

Jasp tells Wes about them going over there to the sturniolos place and they start getting ready meanwhile Matt is freaking out

Matt - Chris you know I like her and I'm so worried about why she's acting so weird
Chris - like I told you yesterday she's fine she must have just been tired
Matt - then why did Madi say something was wrong and why was jasp acting weird
Chris - Matt idk why Madi said that and idk why she was acting weird but if you like her then tell her
Matt - I can't do that it would ruin the friendship if she doesn't feel the same
Chris - well you'll never know if you don't tell her
Matt - no I can't tell her I'm just gonna act normal
Chris - okay if that's what you want to do

A few minutes later jasp and Wes arrived at the sturniolos

Jasp - hey guys
Matt - hey
Chris - hello
Jasp - heys we're Nick
Chris - oh he's out with Madi and Laura
Jasp - okay when he's supposed to be back
Matt - we don't know
Wes - well y'all wanna go get some breakfast
Chris - sounds good
Matt - okay
Jasp - alright
Chris - who's car should we take
Jasp - we can take mine
Matt - where y'all wanna go
Wes - umm in and out good for y'all
Jasp - yeah sounds good
Chris - im down
Matt - alright

They all headed to jasps car and headed to in and out when they got there they all ordered there food and found some where to sit

Matt - so what did y'all do last night
Wes - well I watched Naruto and hung out with kakashi then went to bed
Jasp - I just layed in my bed for a few hours on my phone and only got like 4 hours of sleep
Chris - why
Jasp - oh I had fallen asleep and had a weird dream that woke me up and I couldn't go back to sleep
Matt - what was it about
Jasp - umm

That's when a few fans walked up to the table and started taking pictures with Matt and Chris then they started asking questions

Fan 1 - hey your jasp right
Jasp - yeah nice to meet you
Fan 2 - I have a question
Jasp - sure ask away
Fan 2 - are you and Matt dating

Matt choked on his drink and Wes looked at jasp trying not to laugh and Chris was sitting there in shock of how the fan just asked that

Jasp - umm no we are just friends
Fan 1 - you sure
Matt - yeah we're just friends
Fan 2 - okay we were just curious
Wes - well any more questions
Fan 1 - nope y'all have a nice day

The fans walked away

Jasp - well that was fun
Matt - haha yeah

Chris and wes just looked at each other. They all say there finished there food then went back to the sturniolos place when they got there Nick and Madi were back

Nick - hey you guys are back
Madi - well we're did y'all go
Jasp - oh we were at in and out
Chris - haha yeah the funniest thing happened
Nick - what happened
Wes - oh two fans can up and we're taking pictures with Matt and chris
Jasp - this story isn't that funny
Wes - jasp shhh then one of the fans asked jasp if her and Matt were dating and it was funny watching there reactions
Matt - haha yeah very funny

Madi just stared at jasp and Nick was laughing, they all decided to watch a movie and they were all laying on the couch Matt and jasp were sitting next to each other. They we're watching the second it movie and the scene came on we're the boy was stuck in the mirror maze and jasp has a fear of mirror mazes so it was messing with her so when she got a little scared she had baried her face in Matt's shoulder

Matt - you okay
Jasp - yeah just small fear of mirror mazes
Matt - so birds, snakes, and now mirror mazes got it
Jasp - haha yeah

They had finished the movie and Matt looked over and realized jasp had fallen asleep on his shoulder

Matt - what do I do
Wes - just move her
Matt - if she wakes up on the couch she won't be able to sleep
Chris - then move her to your room
Matt - okay

Matt picked up jasp and carried her to his room and layed her on his bed, he went back out to everyone and let her sleep

( well this is interesting)

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