Part II

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Two days went by in a blink, the prince recovered fast, and he was then back to working, spending all his time to make up for the days he was ill. His focus was completely on the paperworks given upon him by the king himself. It was a normal day, like any other. The pressure never leaves his company. He was chained to his responsibilities as the next ruler. He never even has enough time to breathe. The last two days, he spent to formulate a plan regarding the wall protecting their kingdom from the Dark Forest. Even bed-ridden, he still did everything he could do until he passed out.

'What can I do? I have not the right to raise a protest against my responsibilities. I was just a puppet, after all,' was all he thought. He seldom sees the sun and touches the healthy grasses with the soles of his boots, almost never leaving the comfort of his room. An invisible knot was tied upon him and his works. 'What even is a break?'

"It was not pleasant seeing you almost kissing the table, Sire. It is time for your postponed measurement." The annoying voice perked his ear. He did not even notice that the dressmaker had arrived. He continued scribbling, pretending not to notice that annoying man in front of him. He thought that he would eventually get tired of talking. However, it dawned on him that the dressmaker would never stop mumbling different things which he somewhat enjoyed listening to. The topics he talked about actually have a lot of sense in it, like how the system of the other kingdom was far from being exceptional because of its corrupt leader and the ways he ruled it. He then talked about the barter system of the farthest kingdom from them which was the best. The man clearly has knowledge and deep understanding of the systems all over the five kingdoms.

"You can stop. Let us do the measurements." Prince Nicholas removed his glasses and stood up. He removed his coat and placed it on the bed gently. He just stood straight and waited for the dressmaker to finish what he was doing. The dressmaker found it easy to get the measurements of the prince. The designs were clear in his mind. He knew exactly at the surface of his mind which color, which patterns, and which style of suit suits the beaut, like he was bound to know what makes the other shine brighter and blind him and the others with his beauty. He knew very well. That's why, on the very same day, he requested for the finest, most sophisticated silks and cloth.

On that very same day, the dressmaker was bound to start working and living inside the castle as the royal dressmaker. The royal sewing area was required for him to use. He brought his favorite machine with him, nonetheless. It was the very thing that he requested from the king when he was invited to create a suit for the royalties. The king did not protest and granted him the favor, as he was the well-known tailor of the East, the best one out of the bunch, a one-in-a-million, exceptional dressmaker.

The night that day, Prince Nicholas sat on the balcony of his room, legs crossed as he sipped a fine cup of coffee he brewed himself. He looked upon the starry canvas up above, the moon forever glowing, amidst some parts of it not visible.

"It was almost the full moon, the ball is nearing." He sighed, eyes landing on the clock inside. It was four minutes before his bedtime. He knows he needs to pack things up and call it a day although he is not, in any way, sleepy. He stood up and faced the moon once more before turning his back.

The prince already stepped a foot inside his room when he heard someone say, "Did the moon captivate the eyes of the Beaut of Helianth?" He then felt a hand reach his. "The night is still too young and the moon is fascinating yet you want to waste your time and spend it gazing upon your blank ceiling? Come, join me here, my dear prince."

"I'd rather not. I was only one minute away from my bedtime. You can spend the night alone." He removed the dressmaker's hand from his and faced him, a glare forming on his face. Mauve noticed the dark circles under the eyes of the prince. It was not good, but to him, it did not diminish what beauty the other possessed. 'Still pretty,' his mind spoke for him.

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