Part IV

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Days gone by like a gust of wind. Three months have passed already. However, for Prince Nicholas, it was rather long for the clocks to tick. Every second, he tastes bitterness. A second never passed without him seeking the presence of the warm person he was used to feeling everytime he was with him. Within those three months, all he felt was emptiness, longing, and regret. He tried to find the dressmaker's whereabouts, wanting to redeem himself and retract his remorseful decision. However, he was out of the map. Mauve cannot be found anywhere, he disappeared. That is only then he grasped that he doesn't care for the curse at all, he wanted Mauve more than anything, but he lost him, his sun. How can a sunflower ever live without the sun's warm rays?

Nicholas fixed the collar of his coat before deciding to go out of the golden carriage. Blinding lights flashed upon his eyes when he stepped foot at the land of the sun—the kingdom of Solis. As he was blinded by the flashing lights coming from the cameras, the others who saw him were astounded by his beauty, gasping while looking at him. When his eyes adjusted, he smiled and waved his hands to the people of Solis. They were invited over for the summer solstice, the most beautiful season celebrated by the whole kingdom.

He continued walking his way towards the castle, bowing at the other royalties sending him greetings. When he reached the halls, the king of Solis hugged him and gave him a tap on the shoulders. "It feels fantastic to see you here, son. It was your first time leaving your kingdom. Uncle missed you."

He flashed another smile to the king before nodding. "I figured I should be used to traveling from kingdom to kingdom, as it would be my duty in the future as well. And by the way, I missed you, too, Uncle."

"You've grown so much, child. I am so proud. Ah! You will meet my son for the first time today!" The king enthusiastically exclaimed.

"I'm looking forward to meeting him," he answered, the smile never leaving his lips.

"You really should. If you will excuse me, I will just attend to the other guests. Make yourself at home, dear." Nicholas just answered with a nod before hugging the king once more.

It was a boring night for him. All he did was to talk formally to other princes and princesses, kings and queens, and other nobles. They were all about the work he thought he left to his kingdom behind. He just wanted to take a break, that's why he accepted the invitation.

He stood up and was about to leave the hall for a walk when the people gasped, sounding amazed by something he was not aware of. His eyes were wandering, finding the possible cause of the amusement when someone spoke behind him. "Fancy meeting you here, my dear prince."

His heart leaped out of his chest when he heard the voice, the very voice his ears were wanting to hear. He froze on his feet, unable to bring himself to turn around and meet the man he missed the most. "Did you not want to see me, your highness?"

Like he was pulled back to reality, Nicholas gathered all the remaining strength he had and turned around to face him. As soon as his gaze landed on the man in front, his eyes widened in surprise. He was astounded by the beauty of his former dressmaker. His green eyes, the chocolate-colored locks styled in a messy manner, the pointed nose, and the lips he missed to see the sun-bright smile from. Nothing changed, Mauve was still gorgeous, alluring. 'Is this why Icarus reached so much for the sun that he was harmed? Because if it is, I, too, will fly close to the sun, even if it causes my downfall,' he thought.

A tear escaped his eye when he remembered what he had done in the past. He hugged Mauve like his life depended on him. He doesn't want to let go, not this time. It was a mistake he never wanted to repeat, and this time he was bound to correct. Even if it cost him his remaining petals, he would want to spend the rest of his days. Though the curse may persist and he dies, Nicholas knows that he will also die if his sun was taken away far from his reach.

"Of course, I do, Mauve—or should I say...Prince Marcus." Without minding the sunflower and the other people around them, Nicholas pulled the other's tie close to him. He looked at Mauve's emerald eyes and smiled sweetly. "I would forever look for you in the crowds, my sun. I love you."

The latter beamed his famous smile as he answered, "You need not to seek for me, for you are the flower I was bound to be with until my final breath."

After hearing what he has said, Nicholas cupped both of Mauve's cheeks, eyes smiling out of joy. Then, he pulled him closer until their lips met. What's life without a little risk?

"Let the world turn, make the stars burn. Let the moon shine, make this man my sun," was the wish Prince Nicholas spoke that night on the hill. Unbeknownst, a shooting star passed by them and heard him.

And so, the sunflower gleamed once more, and far from withering, it bloomed.


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