Chapter One

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Akio was waiting in the hotel room when Kaito walked in. Kaito straddled Akio and smirked. "You're very built," said Kaito touching his chest. Akio smiles. "Thank you," he said and handed him the money. Kaito smiles and counts it, and puts it on the dresser, and then the other officers come out and bust the pimp and take Kaito to an Ambulance to get looked at. Akio lit a smoke and was talking and stretched and stopped feeling Kaito tug at his shirt. "I have nowhere to go," he said. Akio looked around. "I have a spare room while we get this all worked out; you can stay with me," he said and took him home. Kaito smiles, seeing his nice apartment. Akio showed him the shower and handed him some clothes and then went to his room and lays down and sighed. Kaito showered and got dressed, and stood at the doorway; he sat. Akio was hard and asleep. Kaito smirks and slowly climbs on top of him, and takes him in his mouth. Akio moans softly and stays asleep. Kaito kept going, and pretty soon, Akio woke him up; he was breathing heavily and stopped seeing Kaito cleaning his mouth. "Don't do that ever again; you don't have to. You're a free man," he said, shaking and lighting a smoke. Kaito blushed. "Sorry, it just looked like you needed some help," he said and walked to the spare room. Akio sighed "fuck, that felt good; it's been five years since I had sex or a blowjob," he thought. Akio pulls at his crotch and sighs, and goes to work out. Kaito was asleep. Akio peeks in and smiles, seeing him, and goes to his room and lays down, and falls asleep. Around 1 am, a storm was going on, a loud lightning and thunder. Kaito ran and crawled into bed next to Akio. Akio opened one eye and pulled him close, and went back to sleep. Kaito smiled and felt safe, and went to sleep. The next morning Akio was cooking. Kaito walks down. "Thank you for comforting me last night," he said. Akio smiled. "It was nothing," he said and handed him food, and he sat and ate, reading the paper. Kaito smiles and eats. "So should I worry about your wife," he asks. Akio smirks. "Not married. I was in a 5-year relationship, but he broke up with me due to my job, so," he said, turning the paper over. Kaito smiles. "Oh, I am sorry to hear that," he said. Akio laughs. "It's okay. He is upset I got a raise and got an upgrade and wants me back. I told him no," he said. Kaito laughs. "I am glad you found me," he said. Akio smiles. Me too. Oh, on that note, they have locked up. You're a pimp, and you are not being charged with anything," he said and sipped his coffee. Kaito smiles and hugs him. "Thank you so much. Can I still stay with you," he asks. Akio nodded. "Don't see why not," he said and handed him some money. "I have work but go get some clothes and things for you're; self my clothes are way too big," he said and went to work. Kaito went shopping. Akio gave him five thousand dollars; he got some clothes and a gift for Akio, and Kaito went back home and started to clean and cook. Akio came home and was losing his tai and stopped seeing his clean apartment and a full meal ready. "Kaito, you didn't have to do all this," he said. Kaito nodded. "Yes, I did. I appreciate you helping me and letting me stay here, so I wanted to do something nice for you," he said. Akio smiled and undid his top 4 buttons, and sat down to eat Kaito was also eating. After the meal, Akio relaxed in the tub happily. He stood up "fuck, really," he said, seeing his erection. Akio just got a towel and went to his room and laid his arm down over his face, and he was masturbating. Kaito hears him and peeks in the door and smirks, seeing him. Akio finishes and cleans himself up, and sighs. "I shouldn't think about him that way; he was just saved. He doesn't need me in that way," he mumbles. Kaito smiled. "Yes, I do," he said, walking in. Akio looks. "But I don't want you to think I am taking advantage of you," he said. Kaito smiles. "I won't. You make me feel safe and happy when I think hard about you. It's happy, and I am not pumped with drugs to help. It's all you and happiness," he said. Akio nods and pulls him onto his lap, and kisses him deeply. Kaito smiles into the kiss and kisses back his arms around his neck and into his hair. Akio loved it. He was hard; Kaito smiled, got naked, and slowly descended on him. Akio moans, feeling it. Kaito moans loudly, feeling his size. Akio held Kaitos hips; Kaito moaned and moved slowly. Akio loved it and moaned, kissing Kaitos neck happily and holding him while he rode. Kaito moans, "I have never felt so much pleasure" moans. Akio smiles and licks up his neck and kisses his chest and collarbone. Not hearing his door open. Kaito was moaning happily. Akio loved every minute of it. "You feel amazing," he moaned happily. Kaito smiles and grips Akio's hair and moans loudly "your so deep," he gasps. Akio EX stood at the doorway watching and walked off. Akio saw him but kept having sex with Kaito until they both came. Akio was breathing and reached for his smoke, and Kaito helped and lit it for him. Akio smirks and slaps his ass and picks up his phone and calls his ex, and puts it on speaker. "You enjoy the show Danki," he said. Danki sighs. "I didn't know you fucked teens, Akio," he said. Kaito laughs. "I am 20," he said. Akio smirks. "You jealous," he said. Danki was getting mad. "So what if I am? I miss you, okay," he said. Akio laughs and lays back, pulling Kaito down. "You should have thought about that," he says and hangs up and kisses Kaito deeply. Kaito smiles and kisses back. "Fuck you make me happy," Akio said. Kaito smiles happily. "That makes me so happy to hear," he says and licks up his neck. Akio moans happily. Kaito smiles as his stomach growls. He blushes and laughs. Akio laughs and picks up his phone. "We can order in," he says, and Kaito smiles. "Sushi and a good movie," he said worriedly. Akio smiles. "Sounds perfect," he says and orders sushi and hands Kaito the tv remote and puts some sweatpants on, picks up the sushi, and walks back up. "You find a movie," Akio asks. Kaito nods and presses play. They cuddle up and eat and watch a movie. The next morning Akio was late and rushed out to work. Kaito sighed and made up the bed, and got in the shower. He heard the door. He rushed out and stopped seeing Danki. "What do you want," he said. Danki looks. "I want Akio, so leave him," he said. Kaito laughs. "No, he is my everything. I am not leaving him," he said. Danki hit him hard and was hitting him, leaving. When Akio got home, he saw Kaito and called it in, and went to the hospital with him. He waited and looked at his buddy. "Does he remember who hit him?" he asked. He nods. "Danki," he said. Akio was pissed and punched the wall hard, breaking the title. "Chill, we can bring him in a charge him," he said. Akio nods and goes to be with Kaito holding his hand, and he falls asleep holding his hand. They bring in Danki and charge him with assault. When Kaito woke up and cried in pain and pressed the pain med button, Akio woke up hearing him. "I am so sorry this happened to you, my love," he said. Kaito touches his face and wipes the tears away. "Not you're fault," he mouths and takes a deep breath, and smiles softly. Akio smiles. "They charged Danki with assault, and he got four years," he said. Kaito nodded and just held Akais hand

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