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Mark and I entered the small restaurant that was just so perfectly placed on the beachfront. The inside was like a step back in time to be honest, it was straight retro diner. It was so much for my eyes to take in because it wasn't everyday that you rolled across something like this. Everything from the neon lights to the chrome accented seats with the blue, pink and purple white walls.

"Mark this is awesome, this place looks so cool," I said.

"I know, I couldn't believe it that I found this place so long ago. Now, whatever you order here you need to be very specific how you want it. If you don't tell them exactly what you want and how you want it they will just fill in all the details you left out themselves," Mark told me.

"Okay," I replied.

Mark and I both turned our attention to the menu board and began to decide what we wanted. It didn't take me long to know what I wanted and neither did Mark.

"Is there a price limit?" Mark asked.

"No, get whatever you want," I told him before stepping up to the counter.

"For here or to go?" The lady at the counter asked.

"To go," I replied now gesturing to mark to order.

"I would like a half pound Angus burger with triple white cheddar with everything on it, extra pickles and I'd like to make that a large meal with onion rings and a coke," Mark said. My eyes went fucking huge, boy liked to eat.

I stepped up next.

"I'll take a Crispy chicken sandwich meal with extra slaw on the sandwich and pickles too. I'd like to make that a medium meal with fries and coke," I said smiling as I reached for my wallet.

"Alright, your total is $32.10," The waitress said.

"Alright here you are, and add on a $20 tip," I told her handing her the card.

"Thank you so much, would you like a receipt?" She asked. "Yes that would be great," I finished before white handed back my card.


This was new, I'd never known what it was like to have food bought for me by another boy, let alone the boy that I had a massive crush on. On top of all of that he was calling what we were doing a date.

"Thank you Jacks," I told him.

"Jacks? That's nice," he said with a warm smile.

"Well you call me Markie," I said.

"Yeah," he said with a small chuckle.

"And you better take care of him Jacks," the waitress butted in. "He's been coming here for a year and a half talking about how much he likes you," she said.

"Oh really?" Jackson replied.

"Mhm, he is cookoo bananas for you," she said and giggled knowing she was teasing me.

"Stoooppppp," I begged. My cheeks were filling with a deep red blush.

I wish I could tell what was going through Jackson's mind right now. I mean I just admitted that I liked him and now my best waitress went and told all of my business. I guess she thought we were officially together or something of that nature.

"Well, I see a very bright future for us," Jackson said breaking my thought train.

Here we go now the blush was back in my cheeks and I couldn't make this one go away so easily. I chatted with Jackson about a bunch of random things while we waited for our food to be ready and about 15 minutes later our order was called. We immediately retrieved it and made our way out to the beach. It was rather easy to carry because of the to go containers holding everything including the drink.

"Mark, why didn't you ever tell me you liked me?" Jackson asked staring off with a heavy question.

"Well, you were you and I was me," I said.

"Mark, I've waited for someone like you, I never thought I'd catch feelings for a boy, but it happened," he said.

"So you like me like that?" I asked.

"Of course, I just...I don't know if I could risk breaking your heart," Jackson said.

"Do you plan on leaving me?" I asked.

"No, but I tend to run people off," Jackson said.

"You can't run me off Jacks, don't you know that? All of the things you've told me over the past year and I'm still here. I'm still listening and waiting," I told him.

"Waiting for what?" Jackson asked.

I gestured for Jackson to put his stuff down on a near picnic bench with me and we both did that.

"I'm waiting for you," I told him.

"I need to feel something more Markie," Jackson said. It was clear that he was confused on whether or not he could like boys.

"Let me help," I told him.

"How—" Jackson began.

I cupped Jackson's cheek in my hand, he leaned into my touch his eyes closing. I think that this is the most right I had ever felt with someone. Soon his eyes fluttered back open and those deep eyes stared into mine while I felt hands pull my hips closer to his core. His heat radiated off his body into mine and I could feel his heartbeat when my other hand rested into the center of his chest.

"Mark," he whispered.

"Shhh," I whispered back with a smile.

I leaned closer to him rubbing my nose over his giving a puppy kiss and then I felt his lips advance onto mine. A small peck caused us to look at each other and then he came back for more, our lips connected and I felt a spark ignite passion between the both of us. His lips crossed over mine and soon my other hand met the one on his cheek behind his neck. I was melting into this man's touch and I wouldn't fight it at all. Sparks flew between us for what seemed like an hour but was only a minute. Eventually we both pulled back and he smiled at me.

"Is that what you needed," I asked.

"Yes, Mark, I can't lose you," Jackson said....

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2023 ⏰

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