Chapter 10

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Third Person POV

Reki may have been mentally and physically exhausted, yet he barely got any sleep that night. His mind was too busy questioning the 'what ifs'. He wanted to believe wholeheartedly that he finally had a dad who loved him, and that it began to warp his sense of thinking.

Maybe this one was all my fault. I shouldn't be sneaking out. That's probably how most parents would have responded anyway, right?

As early as he could, Reki began getting ready for school. He winced at the touch of a painful welt that had formed under his fluffy red hair, as a result of his father's punishment last night. Luckily for him, his locks hid the damage, so others wouldn't start asking questions. He already looked like a mess from his skate session with his father the day before and had heavy bags under his eyes from not sleeping.

Reki didn't have the slightest appetite but knew he was not allowed to refuse his mother's breakfast. So, he ate as little as possible, moving things around on his plate to make it look like he ate more than he actually did. No one seemed to notice or care. In fact, everyone else was preoccupied with listening to his father's stories and jokes, as if the night before never happened.

As Reki was walking out the door with his skateboard in hand, his father stopped him at the doorstep. "Look, about last night," he began, "I didn't handle things the way I should have and I'm sorry for that. But you know you really shouldn't be sneaking out. If you had just told me where you were going, none of that would have happened."

Reki scoffed, "I get that, but you didn't have to hit me."

"I said I was sorry," his father insisted while pulling out his wallet. "Here take your friends out to eat or maybe buy new skate things...whatever you want," his father said, handing his son a large sum of cash.

Woah! He apologized twice and is giving me money?! He must be telling the truth. Maybe it was just a slip up.

Reki gratefully took the money and gave his father a genuine smile. Ruffling Reki's hair, his father noticed his son wince in pain. He apologized once again and pulled him in for a hug. Reki patted his father's back, "Don't worry about it."

After thanking his father once more for the money, Reki skated off to meet up with Langa at their normal spot before school. He was so lost in thought that he nearly crashed into his best friend. "You okay? You seem a little out of it. And what happened last night?"

"Yeah, I'm great actually. I was just having a bad day yesterday." Reki insisted. As he began riding away, he felt a tug on his shirt and stopped, turning to Langa.

"You would tell me if something was wrong, right?" Langa asked.

"Obviously," Reki replied playfully. "But I'm fine. Really."

While skating to school, Langa asked Reki what it's like with his dad being home.

"It's cool...It's taking a little getting used to dad gave me some money to take everyone out. I was thinking the arcade and pizza?"

"He must have given you a lot to take all of us. Why?"

Reki didn't want to let Langa know it was his father's way of saying sorry for what happened the night before, so he just shrugged and skated off.

— — — — —

After school, Reki and Langa went to the skatepark to meet up with Miya.

Miya was running late, so Reki and Langa waited for him for a good half hour. Reki didn't mind at all. It wasn't often that the three of them hung out together.

Finally, Miya arrived and waved at the boys. Reki immediately rushed over to him and greeted him with excited laughs.

"Where did you go last night? We were worried about you," Miya asked.

"Hey, no worries. My dad was just mad because I snuck out."

Langa took a step forward and gave Reki a serious look, almost squinting his eyes. He said nothing for a moment then shook his head. "What's wrong? Did he do something to you?"

"No," Reki sighed, "it was my fault. I made a mistake and he got angry. Nothing too crazy though."

Langa looked skeptical but didn't push the issue any further.

"So, what are we doing today? Do you want to go get food? We could go to Joe's," Miya suggests.

"Sounds perfect," Reki exclaimed. "By the way, I'm taking everyone out to the arcade and for pizza on Friday, my treat."

Miya looked confused. Reki was usually the one borrowing money, so how was he going to pay for everyone else? "What's the special occasion?" he asked.

"Well, I just got this huge allowance from my dad and he said I can do whatever I want with it. So, I figured we could all have a good time," Reki explained.

Everyone exchanged glances, especially Langa who looked uncomfortable. Reki didn't understand what the awkward vibe was about, so he told them he'd be right back and asked if anyone wanted anything from the vending machine. When he was gone, Miya said in a hushed voice, "I can't believe you don't know what's going on with the slime. Aren't you in love with him or something?"

Langa blushed. He really wished he was better at hiding it.

"Oh come on, you're pretty obvious!" Miya continued.

Langa tried to deny it but Miya poked his arm and stood on his tip-toes to whisper in his ear, "Just say yes."

"Ugh...Fine, I admit it. I am in love with him. Now drop it!"

Miya smiled, sitting down on a bench in triumph. He knew he won. "But seriously, what is going on with him?"

"I really don't know, but I think it has something to do with his dad. Whatever it is, I'll find out eventually...I hope."

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