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There was a figure in the closet stareing at them.

In the morning aether was the first to wake up and soon looked into the corner to see heizou starring into his soul. "AAAA WHAT THE FUCK???" aether said screaming. "How ya doing." Heizou said smiling. The other two woke up and stared at them in confusion. "Heizou when did you get here?" Venti said frog blinking trying to process. "I've been here all night so I can scare one of y'all." Heizou said flopping on the bed beside Kazuha. Kazuha slowly put a blanket over his face and slowly went back to sleep. "KAZUUUUUUU!!!" Heizou said shaking him. Kazuha groaned as he slowly went off the bed sleeping on the floor. "Damn." Venti said giggling. "Ooooo!! Since kazu has a little sister she should meet Xiao's little sister!" Heizou said smiling.

"That's a good idea. But how the hell did u get in." Kazuha said lifting up his head. "The window. You should really lock those" heizou said chuckling. "Couldn't you given one of us a warning?" Aether said brushing his hair. "Absolutely not but when are we gonna meet up for the festival That's tonight?" Venti questioned.  "Probably at 9 pm. But we have to shop for some new outfits! We can being sayu, qiqi, and klee!" Aether smiled. "Who's qiqi and klee?" Kazuha said quietly but they could hear. "Klee is my friends little sister. And qiqi is Xiao's little sister! Xiao also has a older sister named ganyu than can come aswell!" Aether explained.

"That's a good idea! A big friend and family outing!!" Heizou said smiling while getting up. The room door opened to reveal beidou in PJs. "Hey kiddos breakfast is ready!" Beidou yawned. "Alright auntie." Kazuha said getting up and getting clothes for the others. "Here since you guys didn't bring any clothes" kazuha gave them each clothes but heizou. "I'ma go ahead downstairs to meet ur little sister!" Heizou said zooming downstairs. "Alright! And for you two I'll go in the guest room and change then you guys can use the room and bathroom." Kazuha said walking out. "Thank you kazuuu!!" Venti said rushing to bathroom. Aether just hummed as a response as he closed the door.

With heizou, ningguang,beidou, and sayu downstairs. "And who might this be?" Ningguang said looking at heizou. "Oh I'm another one of kazuha friends! I came threw the window..." Heizou said nervously. "That is very werid." Ningguang said making a small glare. "It's fine auntie." Kazuha came in all dressed up. "Kazu!!!" Heizou said hugging him and squeezing him tight. Kazuha hugged back but soon was loosing oxygen "your gonna kill baba!" Sayu said yelling a bit. Heizou giggled but let him go. "We have to get back to the dorms so we won't be here for long." Kazuha said fixing his shirt. "That's fine. We have your sister under covered!" Beidou said smiling as she ruffled his hair. "We gotta go now! Because our classes start at 8 and it's 7:30!" Venti said rushing down the stairs. "Oh shit." Heizou said grabbing a kazuha hand then running out. "Bye aunties! Bye sis!" Kazuha said before he went out the door. Aether followed behind venti as they were out. "Yo fuckers get in!" Xiao said putting sunglasses on in a car ready to go. Scaramouche glares at heizou and kazuha hands together but shrugged it off. Once they all got into the car and drove off.

"Thank God we still have like 25 minutes!" Venti said panting. "But we're 15 mintues away. So we only got 10 minutes to run to class." Xiao said putting his sunglasses on top of his head. "What ever!!! Is your sisters able to come the festival love?" Venti said smiling at Xiao. "Yes they are. I also invited my cousin hu tao." Xiao said while his ears turned red from the nickname. "My aunt and sister are coming aswell." Scaramouche said looking at heizou and kazuha. Kazuha smiled at scaramouche making him turn a bit pink in the cheeks. "So Sara,miss nahida,qiqi,ganyu,hu tao,lumine, albedo,klee,sayu,and maybe yanfei if hu tao brings her!" Aether said while putting all of them in a group chat.

"That's sounds about right depending if we're gonna add more?" Heizou said squishing scaramouche cheeks. "What the fuck are you doing!" Scaramouche said trying to get away. "Your little cheeks are just so cute and soft!" Heizou said giggling as he squish his cheeks more. "Alright love birds get the fuck out my car." Xiao said parking then going out. "You drive so damn slow!" Heizou said letting go then going out. "Well why did you go 15 mintues away from the damn building!" Xiao said irritated. "Because I wanted to see kazu!" Heizou said hugging kazuha. Scaramouche gave a jealous look at the two then went inside. Kazuha saw and went after him since they had the same class.

"You alright scara?" Kazuha said going beside him. "I'm fine. Stop worry about me." Scaramouche snapped at him. Kazuha felt guilty and thought of something. "Are you and heizou together?" Kazuha said gasping of more guilt. "WHAT?? NO!" scaramouche said turning red. "Oh my god! I'm so glad...not like glad your not together!! Like glad that I wasn't getting in the way of y'all's relationship!!" Kazuha said speed talking. Scaramouche looked at him with a judgemental face then soon chuckled. "I understood idiot." Scaramouche said smiling a bit. "Thank you..I thought I had to explain myself 100 times!" Kazuha said smiling and patting his head out of reflex. Scaramouche turned more red and swat his hand away.

"Oh sorry!" Kazuha said worried. "It's fine. Stop saying sorry you didn't do anything wrong." Scaramouche said walking in the class with a little smile. Kazuha blinked a few times then went inside after scaramouche.

That's the end! (Joking I'm writing the next one as y'all reading this bc I got motivation back 😀 )

I hate you both. (Heikazuscara) {discontinued For Now}Where stories live. Discover now