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This chapter is about Taehyung's past, so it will be bit dark and disturbing

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This chapter is about Taehyung's past, so it will be bit dark and disturbing. You can skip if you want to.

The very first person he killed was his own father. He didn't belong to a rich family. His father used to work in a bar and with this little earning of his the family was running. His father never liked him since he was born, he thought Taehyung only as a burden nothing else. He never wanted a children.

But his mother was no far from his father. Even Taehyung thinks his mother is the worst character in his life and she's the one who ruined everything. At the age of 5 Taehyung caught his mom bringing random person in their house and at that age his little version didn't even know what they were doing until he saw them being intimate.

That 5 years old boy watched his mother get fucked every week onwards. Taehyung at first thought they were hurting his mother but as time passes by he realized his mother was also enjoying it. Taehyung would watch them very carefully and with his whole attention trying to understand how can people cry from pleasure.

He was curious.

Things were never in a good term between his parents, they were just married in a paper. They would live their lives as they please, not giving a little bit of care towards the son they have. And Taehyung was used to it.

He was used to being ignored by everyone. No one would want to be friends with him, all of them would call him dirty, disgusting, a monster.
Taehyung wonders if this world was really meant for him but one thing he surely know that he wasn't meant to be here. He would rather like being in hell.

One day his father caught his mom red handed. That day his father almost killed his mother from beating too much, Taehyung just watched his mom in silence as he was standing in the corner of the messy room. His mother shouted out his name several times to help her but Taehyung didn't budge a bit.

He just watched with curiosity. He was curious about when his mother was getting hurt by thoes random people she was liking it but when she was getting hurt by her own husband she was not only disliking it but also asking for help. She didn't ask for help that time though. But why? Doesn't her mother likes being hurt?

A harsh slap was landed on the soft cheek of Taehyung's, the force was too strong for him as he falls down on the floor. His vision got a bit blurry as he soon spotted blood falling on the floor, his hand reached to touch his nose and he realized his nose was bleeding.

It wasn't the first time he was being abused by his parents, they would always hit him whenever they please. By now he has a lot of wound marks on his whole body which seem to stay for a long time.

"You little piece of shit! You also knew about it, didn't you? Did you two whore sell your bodies to earn money, huh??" The hoarse voice of a man in his mid twenty echoes through the silent room. Taehyung just heard him talking as his eyes were as calm as an ocean.

He moves his gaze at his mother who was lying on the floor, her face was badly ruined.

"I want to do that too, appa." The small voice of Taehyung's speaks up as the man looks at him in confusion.

"What did you say? You want to do what??"

"Hurt eomma, you seem to have fun doing that. I also wanna have fun, appa." Taehyung looks at his father eyes full of excitement, as if he was asking for a candy. His father wouldn't lie he was getting frightened by his own little son, thinking of having this kind of mentally in this age was making him feel all frightened.

But the situation let this slides, at that he only wanted to teach his wife a life lesson. She dared to cheat on him, not only with one guy but a bunches of people. His blood was boiling from anger.

Taehyung tilted his head in tiny when his father hand him a knife which he gladly took. His little fingers wrapped themselves around the knife's wooden part tightly, apparently the knife was quite bigger for him to handle.

Taehyung's eyes fill up with excitement, excitement of trying the thing he wanted to do for a long time. It's not new to him that he likes torturing. Till now he had been doing little crimes to satisfy his inner urge. He would kill animals but thinking of hurting a human excites him even more.

Taehyung settled himself besides his mother who looked at him with eyes full of tear, the fear of him was very visible in her watery eyes. And that's when another thing Taehyung discovered about himself, he likes to see fear of him in the eyes of the person in front of him.

"Eomma, you will also enjoy it." Taehyung says happily, the woman starts whimpering as she lost the strange to make any word voice out. She tried to move her body but she couldn't.

That time she felt like questioning did she give birth to a monster? Because that time Taehyung totally looked like one.

The whimpering of her gets stronger as Taehyung puts the knife on her ear and starts cutting it off slowly. While on the contrary his father who was watching Taehyung felt like he was right in front of a evil.

It wasn't his innocent son anymore. Only if he knew his son was never innocent even at this age. His whole body freezes the moment Taehyung turned around to look at him with a smile on his face, his hand was holding his own mather's ear which he just cut off from her body.

"Appa, look!" Taehyung's small voice chirps as he runs to his father and dropped the bloody ear on the man's hand which was trembling.

"Should I cut yours too?? Eomma seem to be having fun." Taehyung says with a smile being plastered on his face as his father's eyes widened in no time.

By now he was getting dizzy, the alcohol he had an hour ago seems to be having more effect on him. He was getting even more drunk as his vision was getting blurry because his eyes were slowly collecting tears.

"T-t-taehyung.." The man stuttered, his whole body was trembling from fear as the little boy's smile vanishes away. His face turned cold as before, blood was still dripping down from his nose.

"You don't want to have fun with me?" Taehyung says with his small voice, the grasp he had around the knife tightened.

"N-no, it's not li-like tha-" Not letting his father speak Taehyung speaks up.

"Both of you never have fun with me. Why though? You have all fun by yourself. Why can't I also have fun with you?" Taehyung says looking at his father who was trembling from fear with a blank face.

The man was about to speak but before even he could the little boy who has standing with a knife stabbed into his chest. The man let's out a cough as blood comes out from his mouth.

"See, now all of us are bleeding. We're having fun together." Said by the little boy who got up on his father's body and starts stabbing him countlessly.

The woman who was witnessing all was now super sure she give birth to a demon, this little boy wasn't a normal child. A normal child could never stab his father like an animal. She begins to cry even more when Taehyung turns to look at him, his face was coated with blood, his whole clothe was colored in red.

Thoes little fingers which should be learning how to hold a pen was holding a knife which was colored in blood. He flashes a devilish smile as he speaks up with his little voice.

"Eomma, let's have more fun together. Appa seems to be falling asleep."

Felt like writing it, so here's your double update 👋

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