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There will be a killing scene in this chapter so read it at your own risk:)

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There will be a killing scene in this chapter so read it at your own risk:)

Lost, Jungkook feels lost. Lost in a deep forest, all he can see is darkness nothing else. The darkness which was slowly making his mind abortive to think anything properly. He felt like he was slowly drowning, not having any control on his body, not being able to save himself from drowning deep into the water. His eyes weakly stared at the little source of light which was slowly fading in.

When his eyes were shoot opened his vision was blurry, which leads him to blink his eyes several times to get a clear vision. The surrounding was not so familiar to him. The room felt like a big empty room, he couldn't figure out where it started and ended. The red light illumination helped him to see the endless room clearly.

Where was he? How did he get here?

He couldn't hear a little bit of sound from anywhere, it was pin dropped silence which was leading him to even hear his own heartbeats. As a few seconds passed he could realize his position, he was lying on a bed, head resting on a soft pillow, the mattress was way too soft for him. He could slowly discover the cold metal being wrapped around both of his wrist and ankle which made him anxious.

The slow heartbeats immediately becomes faster, pupils widening immediately as the boy panicked. He tried to move his body, even his fingers but he couldn't. He was frozen on his spot. He couldn't move any part of his body even an inch.

He felt like he was paralyzed. He couldn't even open his mouth or move his tongue to speak up.

Soon he could hear faint footsteps which was slowly becoming vivid, leading him to realize someone was coming towards him. As the footsteps becomes closer, Jungkook starts freaking out even more. The horror on his face was also visible for that person to spot.

Jungkook's throat dried up, he wanted to gulp his own saliva to wet it a bit but he couldn't. He felt like his soul was transferred into a statue who surely can't do any kind of internal process human bodies do.

Even though Jungkook was in a room he couldn't spot a ceiling. It felt like an endless place to him making him wonder if he actually was in a room.

His breath hitched the moment his gaze fall on the man standing infront of the bed, tears start collecting in the corner of his eyes as the person was quickly recognized by him. The person who is confirmed being a man by Jungkook, was wearing the same outfit as the last time. The significant black cap was on his head but the mask was missing.

Even though this time his face was revealed to Jungkook he couldn't see his face or any facial features. It felt like there was an indivisible wall right before his face which was helping him to hide his face. But still he could feel his piercing gaze on his body, that gaze which always disgusts him. Makes him feel like his whole body is nothing but disgusting.

He wanted to run away, far away from this weird place, from this man but he couldn't. It felt like there was an indivisible chain wrapped around his ankle, whenever he was trying to run away the man would drag him back to him. Telling him there's no option for him to running away.

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