Chapter 2: Nobody panic

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As he continued to run, Kevin took in his surroundings. He recognized the town he was in; it was one of the gmod maps that they used for the mushroom kingdom. However, he didn't know how to describe it other than that it felt more cohesive. Making him feel like he really was in mushroom kingdom.

He was starting to run out of breath when he noticed an all too familiar vehicle up ahead. 'What's the Rv doing here?' The man looked around, finding that no one was paying attention to him, or didn't care. With a sigh of relief, Kevin hopped into the Rv.

"Wait, what am I doing?" He huffed out. It's not like he had many options, not to mention what on earth is he supposed to say in this situation? 'Like, hi this must be a dream, right? Because you guys can't be real.'

Before Kevin could think more to himself, he heard Smg4 humming from outside. "Shit!" He made his way to the back of the Rv, trying to find a place to hide when he noticed the bathroom door slightly open. With no other options, he went in closing the door behind him.

Outside the bathroom, Smg4 came into the Rv none the wiser, holding a box. "Alright!" the meme man said to himself. "Time to head back home!"

Kevin could finally let his heart rate rest, he let out a sigh before almost blowing his cover by what he saw in the mirror. Looking back at him was Luigi recolor, wearing white with blue overalls. Kevin got closer to the mirror, he started posing and the Luigi recolor did the poses back.

"What the hell happened to me?" He had barely said above a whisper, not knowing how thin the walls were. He gently touched the left side of his face where there was a scar. It looked old, he didn't even notice it because it was so faint. 

Suddenly Kevin remembered something "Wait, Luke made an episode with this character in it." He tried to think back on what happened, but his memory was drawing a blank.



Back at the showgrounds, the entire Smg4 crew was there, ready to help starting to build the castle. Thanks to the combined efforts of Belle's speed run wins, Smg3's streamer donations, the KS-2 gigs, and Bowser pinching in, they were able to afford the materials necessary to build.

It seems it wasn't just Smg4 who experienced no internet last night. As Three was listening to Tari about how she and Belle were playing online when the internet went down. "It was so weird, I never seen something happened like that before."

The red head butted in "Yeah! And I was about to win."

Wimpu spoke up as well "I was in the middle of watching anime when the internet went out."

"YeAh!" Bob jumped in the conversation as well, "I WaS iN tHe MiDdLe oF a DrUg DeA- I mEan ToTalLy LeAgl ThInGs!"

"Well, I'm glad to know it wasn't just us who lost the internet last night." Three said. "How does something like this happen!?"

"It wasn't a power outage!" The Giant koopa yelled. "The kids nightlights were still working."

"Well, whatever happened to the internet, it also affected us." Smg1 piped up.

"I BeT tHe GovErMEnt HaD sOmEtHiNg To dO wItH ThIs!"

"Woah, Hey!" Swag retaliated, putting an arm around Chris. "We had nothing to do with this crap!"

"Oh, golly gee! It seems we have a mystery on our hands!" Shroomy looked excited about this news.

Meanwhile, Mario was showing off his construction worker outfit, resembling the one he wears in Super Mario Maker.

"I'm a so sexy!" The plumber danced.

Luigi also wearing the construction worker outfit, jumped in "Hey! That's a pretty good!"

Angry that is brother jumped in, Mario tried to kick Luigi in retaliation, only for him to miss and trip. Meggy held back a giggle. "Oh, Red. You never change."

"I'm so excited!" Boopkins said "Soon, we're going to have a new castle, where we can all hang out together!"

Just then, a red car pulled up to the show grounds, causing everyone to turn to it. Hopping out of the car was a panicked X and Fm. Cube waddled out of the car without a care in the world. "Oh, hey, Fm!" Meggy greeted the trio. "Is something wro-"

"Where's Smg4?!" The blonde looked worriedly around for his longtime friend.

Meggy was taken aback by Fm's panicked tone. "He went out to get some last-minute things for the castle. Why? What's going on?"

"Slg4 is back."

Bowser, Mario, and Luigi let out a sir pelo gasp, Smg3 was in shock, and everyone else looked confused.

Crickets could be heard as the group stared "Uh, sorry but who are you talking about?" Tari let out an awkward giggle.

Fm smacked his head, "Right, none of you were here for that."

"He was Smg3's evil minion who tried to kidnap Smg4 back in 2011." X explained.

"He was a real bitch!" Mario added in.

Three bristled at that "Hey!" he yelled, "Don't talk about my brother like that!"

The entire group minus Bowser looked at Three like he just grew a second head. Which caused everyone to ask the same question. "Brother!?!"

And then, all hell broke loose.

"Since when did you have a brother?!" Belle asked.

"Does he like corn?" Rob came into frame hold a piece of corn in each hand.

"How come we have never seen him?" Chris, who had been quiet for the most part, finally spoke up.

"Why the hell was he living in a trash can?" X raised his eyebrows.

Mario had his eyes crossed. "If the M stands for meme what would the L stand for?"

Bob answered Mario's question proudly. "LoSeR!"

All these questions were thrown a Three at rapid fire, his patience had run out. "Shut up!"

Everyone went still, Three felt the heat rising in his cheeks. "Sorry, I don't really like talking about what happened to my brother. And no, he wasn't my biological brother, we just saw each other as brothers." Three looked at his shoes, like they were to most interesting thing in the world.

Bowser gently put a claw on Three's shoulder "Can I tell them what happened?" The koopa king asked the edgy meme guardian. Three shook his head.

"N-no." Three stuttered out "I'd rather not. I don't want to be talking about this anymore."

The gang stood there in silence, insure what to say or do. Just then the Rv pulled into the show grounds, and Smg4 hopped out, holding a box. "Hey guys! I'm back!" Four looked at the scene in front of him, of the entire gang in solemn silence and his boyfriend in near tears. The meme man suddenly felt awkward. "Uh, did I miss something?"

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