Chapter 3: Kevin in the bathroom

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Three comforted Four, "It's nothing, really." Four raised one of his brows at him.

Three signed, "They know about my brother."

Four let out a soft 'oh' The meme man looked down at the box he was holding. "I guess we should tell them another time."

"No!" Three quickly said. "I think hearing some good news will help lighten the mood."

"What news?" Melony asked, the crew looked at to two meme guardians with anticipation.

"Well..." Four said, opening the box to reveal a flag that was colored pink, blue and purple. He wrapped the flag around him and Three "Smg3 and I are dating!!" Three kissed Four for good measure, causing the meme man to short circuit.

Cheers of congratulatory were given off by the crew and a couple of people shouting "Gay!" could be heard. 

Although Bob had his own words to say, "SmG4 iS GeTtInG BiTcHeS, AnD I DoN't!?"

"Oh, my, god." Sakio said, pulling out her Morgan Freeman impression "These bitches gay. Good for them, good for them."

Four shook his head to recover, "Alright, now let's start building this castle!" The crew let out another cheer. Mario had his own way of celebrating, by kicking Jub-Jub right into the Rv, setting off the alarm. "Goddammit Mario!"


During the entire ride back to the show grounds Kevin was trying to reason on with himself. "This has to be a weird dream, what else could explain this?"

Suddenly a loud bang hit the Rv and the alarm went off, the bang caused Kevin to trip and hit his head on the marble counter. He managed to stop himself from face planting, he stared at the ground for a second, his head pounding. A drop of red made its way to the ground.

That was blood. He was bleeding.



You don't feel pain and bleed in dreams. "Fuck." Kevin swore. "Fuck, Fuck, Fuck!" He began to panic, trying to clean up the blood. When he was done cleaning up the blood with the tissue he used, he flushed it down the toilet with there being no other option.

He sat down on the floor, looking at his shaking hands. "This is real. Oh, fuck this is real." Before Kevin could have a full-blown panic attack, he heard several loud noises outside. "Are they building something?" He asked himself, he opened the bathroom door and carefully made his way to one of the Rv windows.

Outside, Kevin could see the entire Smg4 crew starting to build the castle, heck even Mario was helping for once. It seems Kevin wasn't careful enough, as Melony turned her head towards the Rv. Kevin quickly whipped his head out sight. The Melon girl shrugged; it was probably nothing.

Kevin let out a sigh of relief, until realizing that he was basically stuck here. "Goddammit." He heard the door to the Rv opened and quickly dove back into the bathroom.


Four, carefully folded the bisexual flag and put it next to his laptop. "There, don't want that getting ruined." The meme man said to himself.

A whole montage of events starting to play out. Swag and Chris in a pickup truck, carrying lumber being backed up by Bob, who was using his blades as batons. When he signaled to stop, Swag pulled the lever releasing all the wood, right on Jub-Jub. Swag popped his head out to give a thumbs up, while Chris face slapped.

Kazio used his scythe to cut the wood before tossing it to Sakio, who used her hammer to bash them into the ground, creating the support beams.

The Mario bros, Smg1, and Smg2 were laying down the foundation, before the red plumber got stuck in the cement. Luigi and Meggy had to pull him out, Mario made the ok sign. "Mario feels internal bleeding."

Tari and Belle started to place the bricks, before Wimpu, and Boopkins came through to glue them together.

Fm, X, Smg4 and Smg3 were pulling to lift more support beams to create the second floor. Melony was of sleeping on the pillars. Rob and Steve were waiting at the top, ready to go.

Bowser and Mario were focused on something that was out of frame. "Steady." Bowser said. Mario let out a hmm, the camera zoning in on his face, "Steady." Bowser said again. The camera was close to his face as the plumber let out another hmm. "STEADY!" The koopa was sweating bullets now.

The plumber's face lit up, signifying that he completed his task, the camera zoomed out to reveal a sandwich. "Lunch is served!" The two said at the same time.

"Ugh, finally." Belle said tiredly. "I'm starving."

Everyone agreed, happy that it was lunch break. Meggy, Mario, Fm and X, also known as the Smg34 crew by Mario, were sitting together. The former inkling noticed Fm looking over at something, she turned her head to the direction to where the blonde was looking. It was the Smgs all talking to one another. Smg4 telling One and Two a story, mostly likely on how they got together.

"Fm, is something wrong?" Meggy's question seemed to spark Mario and X's attention, the former trying to coerce Cube into eating.

"I feel bad for bringing up Smg3's brother, I should've known."

Meggy looked at the blonde with confusion. "What do you mean?"

"We never had a chance to tell you guys the full story" X laid a hand on his boyfriend's shoulder. "We found this creepy murder basement, and inside it was what Fm, and I could only assume was Slg4's coffin."

Mario and Meggy gasped at that, they looked at each other with the same thought. Did Smg3's ex bring up his dead brother in that phone conversation?

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