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I walked to my room and shut the door behind me and locked it
Then walked over to my bed to sit down i started to take my shoes and socks off.
I walked over to the restroom and turned on the shower putting it on hot. Started taking my clothes off then jumped in the shower.

Meanwhile after Chris gets finished taking a shower he jumps out with water dripping down his nice body while grabbing a towel and wrapping it around his waist he walks over to his dresser and grabs a pair of boxers out and closes the drawer he drops the towel an puts them on. Chris grabs a pair of orange shorts and puts them on leaving him shirtless with only his tattoos showing. Chris walks over to the sink and brushes his teeth after he's done with his teeth he starts messing with his curly hair pushing it back then walks over to his bed and lays down getting comfortable.

The next morning
Chris wakes up to the smell of his mom cooking breakfast he jumps out of bed washes up and brushes his teeth he puts a shirt on and walks to the kitchen.
Good morning baby
Morning momma.
I made breakfast baby.
I know I smelled it from my room Chris chuckled
Momma j set his plate on the table which had eggs, potatos, sausage and bacon. Chris rubbed his stomach. licked his lips and started eating

Momma j sat down at the table and said baby I have to talk to you but I don't want you to get mad it's for the best
Chris looked up at his mom
What? Why would I be mad Chris said looking at his mom. Momma j looked at Chris knowing he would be disappointed but had to tell him anyway even if it broke his heart to tell him that they had to move away.
Chris I hate to tell you this but me and you have to move by the end of this summer before school starts again
He looked confused
why do we have to move? He said momma j looked at him and said
because baby I got fired and your uncle mike says they have a lot of jobs down there where he lives and they pay more plus down here they do not pay us as much as they do down there in Atlanta. I can get 2 jobs down there and we can stay with your uncle for a while but I promise as soon as things get better for us we will come back down here so you can be here with your friends.
Chris looked at his mom in anger
I'm not going I'm staying here

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