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"Did you guys follow the Not Alone account?" Is all everyone is talking about the next day in school. Zhang Hao really wanted to message the account, but wasn't sure about what he could ask for.

Zhang Hao makes his way to his next class, which he has with Gunwook, as well as two F4 members, Yujin and Hanbin.

Zhang Hao happens to sit next to Yujin since that was the only available seat yesterday.

Once Hao sits next to him, he notices that it seems like he's in a good mood. Yeah, they may not be friends or anything, but Zhang Hao's curious and debates on whether or not to ask him about it.

"Did something good happen?" Zhang Hao, asks him. He knows he should probably just mind his own business, but something really good must've happened for him to be so happy.

"Yeah, so you know that new account 'Not Alone'?" Yujin asks him and Zhang Hao nods. "So I sent them a message, not thinking much of it. I've been wanting a new phone since mine is so old and the screen cracked. I've been asking my parents for a new phone for a while now, but they keep saying no since they say I break them too fast and I should learn how to take care of my things, so I've been stuck with this old phone for a while. But yesterday I messaged 'Not Alone' and today there was a brand new phone in my locker!"

"What?" Zhang Hao gasps. There's no way.

"Yeah, look." Yujin shows him the phone box. "They gave me the receipt too. It's brand new and everything."

"Isn't that over $1k? That's crazy."

"Yeah, I know. I've also heard a lot of other people in our school got what they asked for. It seems like this account is the real deal."

Zhang Hao just turns back to the teacher since he doesn't want to get in trouble once he starts the lesson. But all class, he can't stop thinking about it. Someone's really willing to spend that much money and buy things people ask for? That person must be super rich.

The account was just created yesterday, but that's all everyone's talking about. It makes Zhang Hao really curious. Who could be behind this account?

"Yujin, come on." Hanbin walks over to him after class is over. "School is almost over so we can go activate your phone."

"Yes!" Yujin smiles. "I can't wait to try it out."

"Get going and I'll catch up to you in a second, okay?" He tells him and he nods before walking out of the classroom. "Hey." Hanbin smiles at Zhang Hao, trying to talk to him again. Maybe yesterday he really was just nervous like Gunwook said. It was his first day after all.

"Do you need something?" Zhang Hao asks him. He's really not trying to be rude, but he can't help but think about the bully whenever he sees him. They have way too much in common. There's no way Hanbin is actually this nice guy he's acting out to be. There's no way someone with this much money and power would actually stay kind and humble.

"Did I do or say something wrong?" Hanbin asks him. He knows he shouldn't care. Like Jiwoong said, Zhang Hao is not the first and will not be the last hater he has.

"No, I'm just not interested in talking to you." Zhang Hao tells him. "Don't take it too personal. You just remind me of someone... not in a good way."

"Oh..." Is all Hanbin can say before Zhang Hao walks out of the classroom. He sees Gunwook right outside with a shocked expression.

"Did I just hear correctly?" Gunwook asks, not believing his ears. "You basically just told Hanbin you don't want to be his friend!" He gasps as they start walking away. "He doesn't usually start the conversation with people who are not in F4 or Matthew! How could you let a chance like this go?!"

"What's the big deal? He talked to you yesterday to tell you about the student council meeting."

"Yeah, he clearly talks to others when he needs to, but he just wanted to talk to you without having a reason! Why don't you like him, by the way? So many people would love to be in your place."

"He just reminds me of someone... not in a good way."


Omg Hanbin has been announced
as zb1's leader!!

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