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It's been a few days since Zhang Hao found out about Hanbin, Ricky, and Taerae being NotAlone. Hanbin said he had something planned against Yoojoon since he keeps insisting on attending their school. He has been acting like he did nothing wrong and still talks badly to Zhang Hao every chance he gets.

Hanbin still hasn't moved into Zhang Hao's house since he hadn't really had the time to pack because of school. But today's Friday, so he'll most likely be going to Zhang Hao's house tonight.

Thankfully, Zhang Hao was finally able to get his arm cast off. He had missed being able to use both of his hands. "So what do you have planned?" Zhang Hao asks Hanbin as they meet up in school. Hanbin had given Yoojoon more chances to realize he's in the wrong, but it seems like he'll never understand, so his plan must go on.

"I posted something from the NotAlone account." Hanbin whispers. "Everyone now knows Yoojoon was the one who beat me up the other day. He'll definitely be furious right now, so regardless of what happens right now, go along with what I say."

"Go along with what?" Zhang Hao asks but they're stopped by Yoojoon.

"It was you, right?! You told your fans that I was the one who punched you, didn't you?!" Yoojoon grabs Hanbin by the collar of his shirt as soon as he walks into the school.

"Leave him alone!" Zhang Hao yells at him.

"Hao, it's okay." Hanbin tells him and Zhang Hao just nods. Maybe this is part of Hanbin's plan after all. He now knows Hanbin can defend himself if he wanted to. "It wasn't me, Yoojoon. Why would I do such a thing?" Hanbin asks him as he sees a crowd of people forming around them. "We used to be friends. You may have done terrible things, but I really did see you as a friend. Why would I do something to hurt you?"

"Cut the nice guy act!" Yoojoon yells at him. "You beat me up first and now you're getting people to attack me for defending myself?!"

"Yoojoon, let me go please." Hanbin tells him and Yoojoon pushes him. He didn't push him that hard, but Hanbin dramatically falls down. "Oww!"

"Class president!" People around him immediately check on him. Zhang Hao immediately checks up on him too and Hanbin winks at him, letting him know he's faking it.

"Hanbin, are you okay?!" Zhang Hao asks him as Hanbin is now laying on the floor.

"M-my arm hurts so much. I think it's broken."

"How could you do that?!" People around them ask Yoojoon. "It seems like you love breaking people's arms, you arm breaker! We'll show you who the real arm breakers are! How could you mess with our class president?!"

"Can't you see he's faking it?!" Yoojoon yells at them. "I barely pushed him!"

"It's okay, guys. I'll be okay." Hanbin tries sitting up, but dramatically falls back down. "Oww!"

"You just broke his arm and he's still trying not to get you in trouble! Wow, you're such a loser, Yoojoon! How low could you go?!"

"Yeah! As if breaking Zhang Hao's arm wasn't enough, you had to break his boyfriends arm too? They've both had broken arms because of you! They're going to be the broken arm couple now!"

Zhang Hao and Hanbin try not to laugh. People are really falling for it. "Teacher! Teacher! Yoojoon broke Hanbin's arm!" Someone calls out for a teacher.

"What?!" A teacher immediately walks over to them. "I can't believe this! It's only your first week in this school and you've already caused so much trouble! Someone please take Hanbin to the nurses office. And Yoojoon, to the principals office now!" The teacher demands. "Hanbin, go to the nurses office first and then head to the principals office to let him know what happened."

Not Alone | haobin Where stories live. Discover now