Ch. 11: Arrival of a Phantom Pt 3

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The next day...

In the Loud Mansion, Lincoln and Danny were on the couch playing a cyber warrior type fighting game with Ember strumming her guitar next to Danny, The Loud sisters were out with their friends except Lisa who was in the lab downstairs, Wulf was still resting after the events with Technus & Johnny 13 and Spectra & Kitty were in the kitchen having a conversation.

Lincoln: C'mon, c'mon the bionic reaper's nearly on it's last life, just a few more hits...

Danny: Shhh, we're in the zone. Don't break concentration....

Both men were button mashing their controllers, Ember rolls her eyes with a chuckle. Even as men, they're video game nerds no offense to them, she thought. Lincoln & Danny were on the edge of their seats, entering the final combination move to aim at the final boss, destroying it and winning the game.


Danny: FINALLY!!!

The two men stood up, basking in their victory, followed by a solid high five.

Danny: That's how it's done!

Lincoln: It took for f**king ever to get to this level once on our road trip and finally, we slayed the bionic reaper!

Danny: Yeah, it took numerous tries but it was well worth it.

Ember: Heh, boys and their video games...

Danny: C'mon Ember, it was fun. You can try video games out if you give them a chance.

Ember: Baby pop, I love you and all but I'm not a video game nerd, no offense to you two.

Lincoln: None taken, I get that a lot from my sisters at times back when I was younger. Hell, some of them call me out still on that.

Danny: Em, you don't have to be a nerd to enjoy gaming. Everyone basically plays them, nerd or not. I mean, do Linc and I look like nerds?

Ember: ... Well, No but you're hot and still a nerd.

Danny sighs while Lincoln chuckled.

Lincoln: Well, she got us there, mostly you man.

Danny: Oh don't you start.

Lincoln: Hey, I understand. Sometimes Ronnie Anne and Sid call me out on the hobbies I'm into. You get use to it.

Ember: Heh, he's right dipstick.

Danny: (arms crossed) Well someone's getting the cold shoulder.

Danny turned his back to Ember, who frowns. She sat her guitar down & walked towards her boyfriend, wrapping her arms around his neck in a loving manner.

Ember: C'mon Danny, I know what you're doing. We both know you can't ignore me.

Danny was silent.

Ember: (mischievous grin) Dannnnny~... You know giving me the cold shoulder will make me tempt you~.

Ember rubs Danny's broad shoulders via massage while rubbing her ample chest against his back. Danny would be lying if he wasn't tempted but he kept up his straight icy glance with sheer will power to shut out Ember's charms.

Lincoln: Hahahaha, I don't think he's giving in, Ember.

Ember drops the grin, frowning as Danny was not giving her any attention. The silent treatment was one of the things that got to her when Danny plays that card until she admits that she's wrong or a different conflict or she does it as well.

Ember: (in her mind) Okay, dipstick... you're not going to make me cave, we're both tied on that and you're not winning this time.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12 ⏰

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