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Midoriya woke up in a theater and saw all of class 1A, The Teachers, and The LOV. He was worried so he did the only rational thing he could think of he got up from his seat and went over to Aizawa shaking him awake. "Hey Sensei, Sensei wake up" Izuku said while jogging Aizawa awake to which he jolted awake his eyes looking around before landing on Izuku and asking "do you know where we are?" Izuku shook his head in response.

So over the next few minute everyone began waking up and after everyone finally woke up there was a standoff between the heroes and the LOV. They were staring at each other like the other was the one responsible.

"Okay why and how did you take us?" Shigaraki said scratching his neck furiously.

"Us? We thought you took us?" Responded All might this resulted in a argument lasting for a few minutes some even attempted to use their quirks only to find they didn't work until they all heard a crunch.

They all turned towards a 16 or 17 year old boy with blond hair and blue eyes eating popcorn while watching the argument take place with Nezu right beside him.

"Ahhh is it over already it was just starting to get good" exclaimed the boy in disappointment.

"Who the hell are you!?" Shouted Bakugou and Shigaraki at the same time causing them to glare at each other.

"I'm the one who brought you all here" he responded nonchalantly. While eating the rest of his popcorn. The heroes and the lov were surprised while a few were calm but still on guard such as Izuku, Nezu, an Aizawa.

"Why? You managed to capture all of us, turn off our quirks, and appeared without any of us knowing if you wanted to hurt us we would've already been dead so why did you take us?" Asked Izuku worried.

"Entertainment. You see being an immortal god is extremely boring so I brought you here to watch the multiverse. Oh and my name is Jacob."

Everyone was silent at that with an extremely shocked expression on their face... well everyone but Bakugou "Bullshit there is no such thing as gods he probably just has an extremely powerful quirk, and multiverse now your not even trying to lie!" He shouted.

"Because I'm not lying" Jacob said "and as for the god part" he snaps his fingers and the entire theatre began to expand and when it finally stopped he snapped his fingers again causing an entire container ship to appear out of nowhere before shrinking down into a paper weight. "Does that prove what I said".

Everyone was once again shocked not even Bakugou could argue with that. After everyone calmed down Nezu asked "we don't have a choice do we" Jacob smiled before saying "Nope, so please take your seats."

When they were all in their seats the screen turned on and Jacob said "If you need anything just ask me" before taking a seat on the top layer.

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