Sin Of Pride

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"Okay the first one I'm going to show you is a special one so I'm going to explain the story behind this" Jacob said "In this story there is no such thing as quirks instead there is magic"

"Like all those tv shows and anime" Jiro asked

"Exactly like that. So onto the story in this world there are a group of knights called the Seven Deadly Sins and before you say anything this world is not as scientifically developed as you." Jacob continued "The seven deadly sins are currently in a war with demons"

"Demons as in those fairy tale monsters" Dabi asked with a raised eyebrow to which Jacob responded "Yes except in this world they aren't fairytales"

"Ohhhh I wonder what a demons blood tastes like" Toga said

"This group is called the seven sins because they all committed a sin. The group entails of Wrath, Greed, Gluttony, Sloth, Lust, and Envy"

"But isn't that only six" Uraraka asked confused

That's because the sin I'm going to show you is the final member and the strongest member. Well... at least for a little while"

Everyone was confused at what he meant by that when the video started.


An extremally injured girl was walking through a cave with two people on her back.

"What the hell is that girl doing she needs to go to a doctor immediately with those injuries." Recovery Girl exclaimed.

"I don't think they are in a situation where they can go to a doctor." Aizawa answered with narrow eyes

"What is this a mine?" she asked to no one in particular before seeing a seeing a door with My Sweet Gluttony written on it with pink paint "How strange." When she opened the door she was surprised to she a well lit tavern.

"Who the hell makes a bar in a mine!?" Shouted Bakugo.

"It is indeed strange almost no one would find it making it useless" said Iida.

"Maybe its a hideout like our bar." Kurogiri remarked.

"That would make sense" said Nezu

"Um... Greetings." The barkeep nervously said "I... I bid you welcome to My Sweet Gluttony"

"That is the skinniest person I have ever seen!" Dabi Shouted "How the hell is he alive"

"Is it just me or does he remind you of Deku" Uraraka asked

"That's why he looked familiar" almost all of class 1A said at once.

"Am I really that skinny" Izuku asked surprised, To which All might responded "You used to be, but its more of the attitude in this situation"

"Is this a tavern inside a cave" the girl questions. The man laughed at that and said "that's right though as you can imagine its usually deserted."

"You think!" Kaminari Shouted "even I know that's a bad idea"

"We didn't come here for a drink" The silver haired girl said "these two are wounded. could you shelter us here for a..." The girl managed to make out before falling to the floor.

"They all really need some medical attention immediately." RG said

The bartender ran over to them exclaiming "Those are some serious injuries." the girl responded with "Don't worry about me I'm fine. Just help them."

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