Rally The Troops

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"This time were watching an AU about Izuku and Bakugo trying to rally troops for war" Jacob explained.

"Times may be but we are Earth's greatest hope, look around you a gathering of noble guardians new and old." Izuku said with a bunch of heroes surrounding him to hero what he has to say.

"Magnificent starting point Midorya" All might says making his student to thank him.

Cut to Bakugou also surrounded by heroes "Okay, listen up your a bunch of dirty misfits but your all that's left so you'll have to do." while the the heroes were confused.

Everyone burst out laughing

"Oh god dammit Bakugou." Aizawa said sighing "why do I feel like this will be worse than that speech you made at the sports festival."

"Hey!" Bakugou shouted "That speech was Perfect!"

When he said that he turned to the rest of the audience and saw all of them shaking their heads at him.

"Oh, Skrew you all!"

Izuku: "Our home was attacked, I was there, fought against the endless onslaught."

Bakugou: "They kept coming, so I kept firing, not gonna lie I was magnificent."

Everyone chuckled at that.

Kirishima laughed the hardest at that "Of course it wouldn't be a Bakugou speech without him complimenting himself!"

"Why shouldn't I compliment myself I'm amazing!"

Izuku: "Despite the sacrifice of many brave guardians we lost everything, the tower, the city, our home"

Bakugou: "So everything is gone, your stuff, my stuff, but most importantly, my stuff."

Bakugou was angry at that "HOW DARE THEY TOUCH MY STUFF!"

Izuku: "Today we know our enemy. His name is..."

Bakugaou: "Gary, or gill, Glen I dunno,. It's something with a G."

Everyone burst out laughing once more while Denki in between his laughs was asking "How the hell do you forget your enemies name?"  before he remembered who he was asking "Oh wait nevermind."

"Shut up Pikachu!" Bakugo yelled


Izuku: "Ghual, I know you look to me in times of peril but this is not my battle alone"

Bakugou: "Which means if I dont see you out there, I'll kill you myself"

Aizawa with his head in his hands tiredly said "you kill them, I kill you."

Izuku: "It is time to avenge this injustice for that is the duty of all guardians"

Bakugou: "Worst case scenario you die, but who knows, maybe you won't"

"Oh my god such amazing optimism" Shigaraki said sarcastically

Izuku: "So I ask you WHO WILL STAND WITH ME"


Bakugou: "YEAHHH really guys..."

Momo: "That, that was inspiring"

Bakugou "Also there will be a ton of loot!! Ahh yeah, right, that's what I thought. Yeeeeeaaaaoooooohhhh."

"YEEEEEAAAAAHHHHH" The Villains cheered while AFO nodded "Its a good backup if you can't get people to help you, bribe them"

Nezu's eyebrow raised "Is that what happened at the USJ?"

"No They were just terrified of me"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2023 ⏰

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