after finding her dad Ash Takami-Todoroki, now Ash Todoroki, had almost killed her father until her girlfriend and some of her other friends came and calmed her down. at the end Hawks, her father, was to be at Tartaros for the rest of his life with...
once everyone ate and unpacked i called everyone down from U.A. at school non of us really interacted with each other so it was a bit awkward at first. "hey we should play two truths and a lie!" yayomomo said breaking the silence. my friends looked atme as if i was a pack leader "i'm down" i said and they agreed as well. we all got in a circle "i'll go first" Hito said. "i love cats, i am Aizawa and Present Mic's birth child, and i am never really sleep deprived, just bored." he said and Jiro took the challenge.
"the lie is, well this is hard but, the lie is you love cats" she said and i looked at her with shock, she had got it first try. "ding ding ding! i do like cats, but, i LOVE turtles more" he said smiling. once everyone but me was done i had to think of something. "uhh, i never think of shit like this so just a second" i said and i heard a few chuckles. "uhh, my family is fucked up, i wanted to bond with you, and~ uh...have never done underage drinking!" i said and my friends burst out laughing. "what i dunno what to do' i said laughing my own ass off as well. "the lie is that you have never done under aged drinking. i only know this is because i saw you one day walking out a building with a bottle of scotch and someone yelling at you to wait 'til you got home to drink it" Monoma said. i went red.
"ok well since you know my secret we can liste to music and drink i had uncle Jin put the kids to bed." i said getting up. "pony-tail can you please either go help her bring the bottles down or make her a cart?" i heard Kat say and she got up and followed me to my room. "i have to get the scotch, beer, wine, vodka, and what do you like?" i sort of asked Momo. "i'll have wine, kyo will want vodka, and we have to monoma what he wants" she said back and i nodded. when we got down stairs i asked what monoma wanted and he said he wanted tequila so i ran up and got him some.
when i got down again i gave monoma his drink and i heard Jiro say something about me. well not this me "LADY-_-flame" but same thing right. "ALL RIGHT before we start drinking i would like to say i have a secret and so does Zuzu and we are going to tell you it now." i said stepping on top of the table helping Zuzu up with me. "MINE IS THAT I AM ZU-BUlNNY!" he all but yelled and Jiro's eyes widened so~ big. "and i have an indoor voice" mumbled Monoma. "MINE IS THAT I AM LADY FLAME!!" i yelled and we had a party. that night we were wasted and i could barley wait to sleep. once i got to go to bed we got stopped the "no training but make sure you all get rest for the day for Wensday" uncle Jin said. after that everyone went to bed and got ready for bed and the up-coming day to be.