Chapter 1 - Meeting My Mate Part 1

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Ash's POV:

I laid there in aching pain and bleeding as my father walked away from me. I could feel the pain spread through my body and my bones starting to rearrange themselves back together from the werewolf genes. I knew this meant that I would have to re-break them later. Let me start from the beginning. 

My name is Ash Huntley. I am 17 year old werewolf with 8 older brothers, no mother, an abusive father. My family and pack hates me. They abuse me and torment me for their own pleasure. The worst is when my father tortures me and my 8 brother stand there and watch me getting abused and branded with scars. I'm not sure what caused them to be like this, though all the abuse started after my 4th birthday. My only hope is that my mate will come and rescue me from this torture.


"Get your fata** up and start making breakfast." Of course as soon as my father left my brothers, Archer, Amari, Layton, Asher, Ashton, Vincent, Zion, Tyler, would come in and abuse me. Just my luck.

I got up and limped my way to the kitchen. Let see what can I make for 300 people in an hour? I'll just make pancakes, bacon, and toast so I have time to go fix myself before all my bones heal wrong. I was almost done cooking breakfast for the pack when Archer and Zion walked in. They were the two oldest of all my brothers. 

"Hey ugly, today's Zack's birthday and your setting up the whole party. It starts at 6 so hurry up and get cleaning. The whole house better be spotless or else your gonna get a painful beating tonight." Ughh thanks for the brotherly love Archer. I always wondered if my brothers were crazy, i can't think of any of the other brothers in this pack treating their only sister the way I'm treated. [*(words)*-person who spoke through mind link; <-- means that person is speaking through mind link, which is like talking through their minds].

*Mom you know I love you* - Karina

*Good morning Karina. I love you to though why are you awake at 6?* - Ash

*I heard your brothers yelling at you* - Karina whispered through the mind link, so i wouldn't hear her. Too bad I did. I hated when anyone disturbed the only person in this whole pack who loves and cares about me. Last time someone made her cry I beat them up with so much force that they got put in the hospital. It was strange though, I have no idea where all that strength came from. I'm not allowed to train with the pack or go outside unless it was to go to school. Though putting a pack member of a pack that hates me in a hospital was not the brightest idea, I would do it again in a heartbeat for Karina. She's like my daughter even though were not related in any way. We found her crying at the edge of our territory five years ago, she was a newborn and half human as well as half werewolf, so our Alpha asked every family if they could take in another baby, but no one could so they let her live at the pack house with the me, my brothers (the future betas), my father (the beta), and the Alpha's and their son. She took a liking to me when she first came to the pack house and I have protected her since.

*Don't fight anyone for me mom* - Karina

*Uggh. I hate when you tell me not to do that. You know I don't like it when people harm you.* - Ash

*It's fine mom. Since I'm awake do you need help with breakfast?* - Karina

*No thanks sweetie, go back to bed and I'll wake you up later* - Ash

*Ok mommy, night* - Karina

*Night, sweetie* - Ash

Moon Goddess, I love that girl. She's part of the reason I haven't left yet. The other reason I haven't left yet is if my mate comes and saves me from this torture.

"Layton, have you seen Ash?" asked the one and only soon to be alpha of the Starlight Pack, Zack Spelman.

Zack Spelman. I know I'm not let outside much besides school but Zack has got to be one of the hottest if not the hottest guy I have ever seen but he's a player. I kinda had a crush on him. Had being the key word there. Don't get me wrong, he still apart of the group that abuses me but when I looked into his eyes I would always see a flash of regret before I turned away. When I was younger I thought that sooner or later that flash of regret I saw in his eyes would mean he would help me eventually. He never did.  If anything the abuse got worse not only was it verbally but it soon became physically and mentally. It was safe to say though at one point I wished he was my knight in shinning armor, my rescuer, my mate. Of course I would have to wait till I was 18 to see if he was my mate or not. But I gave up on him being my mate.


Zack's POV:

I woke up to feeling a body move aginst mine. Oh it's only Kelly. Uggh it's time for her to go.

"Kelly get your stuff and go away." I ordered her with my alpha power.

"Babe you know you don't want me to go." Kelly whined while picking up her things.

"Kelly I'm sure I don't want you here." 

"UGGH! Fine but don't forget even after you find your mate you can still come to me."

I just got up and went to take a shower. I would never cheat on my mate. She's gonna be hot and everything I wanted in a girl. And today's the day I find her and become Alpha over my father's pack, the Starlight Pack.


Hey guys :)

So I updated because rubystar21 and blu0121 commented :)

lol thanks for commenting :) I uploaded so don't come after me with a sledge hammer. 

Oh and for those of you who know I have brothers. I didn't write this after them though characters later on in the book will be named after them :)

I hope you liked it and I'll probably be uploading on wednesday, friday, saturday, sunday, or next monday. One of those 5 days. Sorry, I'll try to come up with a normal scheduele to follow so you won't have to wait 5 million years for the next upload :)

alright bye guys :)

wait sry one last thing :) If you have any idea of who could play her brothers (Archer, Amari, Layton, Asher, Ashton, Vincent, Zion, Tyler) please leave a comment with the name of the brother and the person who should play them (p.s. - the guys that play her brothers should be hot/good-looking but not too hot/good-looking . . . if that makes sense)  thanks guys :)

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bye <3lies have a good week :)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2013 ⏰

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