The beginning ( part 1 )

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Anne who was a fan and related to an F1 racer worked at a coffee shop, she was working extra hours at night that place is well known for F1 drivers to be seen so it's always packed

She was tired as she taking orders she didn't realize she was taking the order of Max verstappen and Lando Norris two of the best racers of F1 as they took there orders and walked off they were hearing a lot of chatting and fangirls as they were making there coffees

When they were going back she was almost falling asleep as she gave the coffee to Lando Norris and she accidentally spilled coffee on Max verstappen, she panicked as she tried to help but Max was already annoyed because of his training that Lando realized and looked over at her which was his sister "Please just bring him his coffee and bring us the bill"

She left walking back to get the check as she was worried as she didn't want to get fired, they made two coffees one for themselves and the one Max verstappen ordered as they drank there coffee as they felt a bit awake and they went to Max's table and put down his coffee and gave the bill down as Lando pays

Lando gave her a warm smile after Max left and he gave her a hug "I love you little sis" she smiled as Lando walked away as she walked back returning to the front and took other people's orders

When time was ticking soon it was closing time she locked down the store as they got there phone as they ordered an Uber to take them home

She leaned against a wall for at least ten minutes as she saw there Uber arriving as she grabbed her stuff and went over as the Uber lady asked "Are you Anne Norris" They smiled "Yes" They got on as they put there stuff down

When they arrived home they could hear music being played as they opened the door to the front door they could see Lando Norris on the floor messing around with the dj equipment and the guy from earlier they slowly went around going upstairs to there room as they were tired so they went to sleep

They were woken up by screaming as she could hear Lando screaming as he was practicing on his simulator as whenever it was a week before the race they would stream and practice

They sighed, because by this time they were used to the yelling in the house as her brother Lando was a racer, steamer, photographer and he was always doing stuff

They walked downstairs to Lando as she stayed away from the camera as they see Max as they smile as they stood next to Lando as he mutes looking over at them "who catched your eye sis?" they smiled looking at the screen "The one with the glasses on"

Lando looked shocked "Sis, he's bad news, he's said to always be hiding something plus I know you can do better " they looked at eachother as they gave them an annoyed look "Okay okay"

"so, what's his name" they said with a smile that turned into a grin Lando looked at them as he sighs "His name is Max verstappen, cat number 1 who races for RedBull and has the most wins"

Max heard Landi as he smiles "Lando, who's asking about me, you know the girl at the cáfe yeah her but she's also my sister" He felt a bit bad "Tell her I apologize, I wasn't feeling myself at that moment because the fans were just going crazy"

Lando sighed as he looked over at Anne "Max says he's sorry that the fans were getting to him and he was stressed" They smiled looking at Lando as they take off the headset off of Lando "Hi Max"

Lando just stands up and leaves as he goes to the kitchen to make himself food as Anne sits down as they talk with Max, Daniel and Charles they have done good time smiling and laughing

Suddenly they hear Max saying "Anne your very pretty" they blush hearing Max's complement "Why thank you Max, your quite handsome yourself" there silence was broken by Charles "stop being lovebirds and let's play"

They started playing the simulator as Anne didn't know that Charles was streaming and everyone in his chat was mentioning how good she was in the simulator and saying "she should start karting" "Did she kart when she was younger?"

Charles was reading the comments as he mentions it to Anne "Did you kart when you were younger?" They smile "Yes I actually did, I would beat Lando every time" They said proudly

Charles and Max laugh hearing and seeing she looked so proudly when saying it "Did you ever considered driving?" they noticed as Anne got frightened and she just answered with a studder "N-no, not really"

"why is that?" Max noticed and he was curious as well soon Lando returned back to his sister so Anne didn't answer Max's question as she got up as she just left and he was confused as he sat down as he went to speak with Max and Charles

Lando put his headphones on as he was worried for Anne "what happened? What did you guys ask her?" Max asked curiously "Well I asked her if she would consider driving for F1?" Lando sighs "There's the problem"

Max and Charles stayed quiet as they were both confused as Max decided to break the silence"what do you mean?" Lando sighs "Anne... her godfather used to race for F1 and this was before the halo was added....her godfather crashed and died" Both Max and Charles stayed silent as they answered

Charles was in shocked and confused "The person that died in a halo accident...has been Jules Bianchi though..." Lando nodded "Yes I know" Charles soon left the call then so did Lando

Lando went upstairs to Anne as he knocked on her door as he sighed "Anne...pls talk to me" Anne can be heard crying through the door as she was sensitive to the topic of her racing

"Lando...does anyone in F1 have an open seat or maybe a job to offer me..." Lando sighs "well I heard Ferrari needs mechanics your experience with that maybe you can get hired if that's what your talking about?"

"yes...I hope you Don't mind it's been an idea of mine for a while" Lando just smiles "It's not a bother sis, you could do whatever as long as you stay my baby sis" soon she opened the door as Lando stood up and she hugged him as he wrapped his arms around her as she started tearing up

She could hear him whispering telling her "It's okay, it'll be alright he's always looking at you no matter what" She smiles slightly for what he said "Hey umm Lando do you mind if I go get some rest"

He smiled looking at her "Of course, I'll let you rest" Soon he walked away as he saw her door slowly closing as he went to go sit in his room as he layed down on his bed as he closed his eyes as he needed to get some rest as this week is his week off from racing

The next day arrives as he woke up around 8 in the morning and he heard lots of noise coming from Anne's room as he got up and walked over to her room door as he opened it as he smiles seeing her talk to Charles and the Ferrari manager about the interview for being a mechanic

Lando felt proud when he heard both of them agreeing to meet her in person so they can see how fast she is as something new he found out was that she had gone to the F1 academy but only studied in mechanic

Soon he walked downstairs as he smiled feeling proud for her as he looked over at the stairs hearing footsteps walking down as he see's Anne "So, how did the interview go" She smiles happily "They want to meet me today"

She was already dressed as she got her breakfast and rushed out as she got in her car as she drove off to meet with Charles Leclerc and the manager

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