Part 01

242 11 2

Before we start, Character's aren't real. This story is base on my imagination..

Taehyun as Taho

Beomgyu as Viken

I'm using their webtoon name

Let's start..


"Here is only 14 coins! Where is the another 5 coins?" Chief guard asked the old man

"I am very Poor. And I have only two coins left" The old man replied hopelessly

"I promise I will gave 5 coins. Just gave me few days more" the old man begged

"You bitch. You also said that last time"


"Dare to talk back me!? Guards arrested him" The Chief Guard says

"Plz don't did this to me. I will gave you coins soon" the old man begged

But they didn't listen to them. They took that old man to castle.

They being the old man infont of their minister.

"What did he done?" Minister asked

"He only pay 14 coins still 5 coins left. And he didn't wants to gave"

"I don't said that! I told them to gav-" The chief guard kick him

"You know right you all have to pay all money in exact day. It's King Taho's order. If you not able to do then you will get punishment" Minister says


"Put him on the-"

"May I know What's going on here?"

They all turned and saw non other than King Taho standing

They all turned and saw non other than King Taho standing

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( Taho's Hanbok ∆ )

[A/N: plz ignore his pose 😅 ]

"King" Minister and all guards bow him

Taho walked to his throne and sat there

"King this man isn't giving the texas. That's why our guards being him here" Minister says

"I never said I am not going pay. I just asked them to give me few days. And I already gave you all my earn! And it's not our fault that you are forcing and taking 3× Texas from us!" The old man says furiously

"You bitch dare to raise your voice and says this to our king!" Chief Guard says

"Wait! 3× Texas?" King Taho asked confusedly.

"King don't pay attention to this man. He is lying. Just order we can put this man in jail" Minister says nervously

"No it's not needed. Let this man go" Kind Taho says

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