Part 03

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"What happened?"

Viken turn and see Taehyun standing behind him. Taehyun sit beside Viken

"King Taho send few people and gave marriage proposal for me" Viken says

"Oh that's good" Taho says

"What do you mean by good?!"

"You should be happy?"

"Of course no"

"Why tho? I mean he is King" Taho says

Taho actually teasing Viken

"So what's with the King? I never met with him. I don't even know how he look alike. I never ever seen him. Then how can I marry him? And I also like someone else"

"Who?" Taho says as his heart break when Viken says he like someone else


Taho looks at Viken

"Taehyun I love you. Then how can I marry someone else" Viken says

"You love me?"

Viken nod

"But I am poor. I don't have anything. You should go and marry King Taho. He will take care of you" Taho teasing Viken

"I don't care if you are poor or not. All I care about you. And money isn't not happiness. I am happy when I am with you. I don't want anything else. I want you Taehyun" Viken says as tears rolling down on his cheeks

Taho wip the tears and pull Viken closer.

"Do you have same as I feel for you? Or do you like someone else?"

"I love you but you should marry King Taho" Taho says.

"Why? You said you love me and then says to marry someone else?"

"Viken I love you but I can't keep to happy. King Taho will take care of you and can keep you happy always" Taho says

"First you are saying that you love and at the same time you wants me to marry someone else! Why!!?" Viken shout


"Shut up! I got it everything. You don't have to say anything" Viken says as he gets up

"Viken wait!"

But Viken didn't listen . He walked away

Taho smile

He is happy that Viken love him but not because he is King.


Next day

Viken cried all night. He can't even sleep properly.

"Viken are you ready? They are already here to take you"

Viken comes out and saw few guards.

He goes with them to the Castle.

Guards took him to infont of Kings room

"Go in. King is waiting for you"

Viken took a deep breath and goes in

"Your highness" Viken greet King Taho

Taho was back face ing him. Taho turn

Viken's eyes wide when he saw Taho is non than Taehyun

"Taehyun? That's mean you are...." Viken stops

"Yes I am King Kang Taho" Taho says with a big smile on his face.

Their first met flashes infont on Viken's eyes.

How he(V) said bad things about him(T) to him(T).

Viken bites his lips.

"Sorry I said so many things before" Viken bow again and again

"Stop stop don't" Taho steps forward and stop Viken From bowing him

"But I am really really sorry. I don't you were a King. If I know I will never said those type of things before. And I also misunderstood you. Sorry" Viken says

Taho laugh.

"You are cute. And it's not your fault. And if you don't said those things, I would never find out about Minister's plan" Taho says

"I love you Viken and yesterday you already told me you love me. Soo.... will you marry me now?" Taho says

Viken nod shyly

Taho kissed on Viken's forehead.


After wedding

At night

Taho and Viken

Both are sitting on two sides of bed. It's very awkward for them.

"Hm.. it's getting late l think we should sleep" Viken says trying to break the silence.

Taho nod

They both lay on the bed. Viken on the right side and Taho on the left side.

Viken close his eyes as he trying to sleep then suddenly he feel heavy above him, open his eyes and saw Taho top of him

"Why- agghg" Taho cut off him by kissing him

Viken kissed back. Taho pull away and kisses on his jawline and neck.

"Taho Taho stop stop" Viken says as Taho about to take off Viken's clothes.

"Why?" Taho asked softly

"I don't think I am ready for this yet" Viken mumbled

Taho smiled and kiss on his cheeks

"It's fine. let me know when you are ready" Taho says as he rolls beside Viken

"I am sorry" Viken asked


"I disappoint you?" Viken says

Taho sighed calmly and wapped his arms around Viken's waist and pull him closer

"I am not disappoint. Not a bit" Taho says


Taho nod as he kissed on Viken's forehead.

"I can wait. Just let me know when you are ready" Taho says

Taho and Viken smiled at each other.

"Good night"

"Good night"

Viken wapped his hand around Taho's waist and Taho's one hand is under Viken's head and another one on his(Viken) waist and His head above of Viken's head.

They both fall asleep.


Thanks for reading............

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