Part 39

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Joey realized that, eventually, he would have to go back to work. He hated the idea of leaving Eren alone and unprotected. He would let her stay with her father, but Milton had gone back to his regular schedule of work at the boarding school. Millie, like Eren, was human, so she wouldn't be able to protect her from a giant. He was stuck.

Eren was beginning to grow more comfortable with being inside Joey's mouth, with practice. Her panic attacks had subsided. Even so, she didn't know how she would fare with giant clients whom, unlike Joey, she didn't know or trust. Joey doubted she'd be able to go back to work at the dental clinic anytime soon. Eren was a brave, strong woman, but she still had her limits. She was making progress, but he didn't know if they'd be able to build her back up to a functional level.

Despite their struggles, life carried on. Joey was worried, at their snail's pace, life would leave them behind in the dust. He was becoming increasingly concerned with Eren. She couldn't remain holed up in their apartment forever, unable to experience the joys of life and the outside world. He was scared he wouldn't be able to protect her. He thought to himself, with a lump in his throat, that the best thing for her might be for him to let her go. He loathed the thought, but he knew Eren would be better off on the human side of the wall, with people her own size, rather than with giants who could potentially hurt her.

Joey, naturally, was reluctant to broach the topic with Eren. She was still recovering, and so fragile. He didn't want to let her go. He wanted to hold on to her forever. Giving her up would be devastating for him, but he needed to do the right thing for Eren. Just as he was about to talk to her, his phone rang. He had gotten a new phone after Trent smashed his old one. He sighed at the obnoxious interruption and answered the phone. "Hello?"

"Hey there, Joey! It's Dr. Rajak, remember me?"

"Oh yeah, of course!" Joey answered, surprised. He hadn't heard from the doctor since the night the police used him as bait. "Um... what's up?"

"Hey, so, I heard through the grapevine about these 'human pills' that those criminals were using and I was wondering if you could get me some. For... um... you know... medical purposes, of course. I'm a doctor, after all. I wanted to try them out. For research. Yeah. Do you think you could hook me up?"

Joey raised his eyebrows, but answered the doctor's question. "Well, I don't have any personally, but I know the police seized some in the raid. I can look into it for you, if you'd like. I owe you that much for your pivotal role in taking down that criminal organization."

"Ah, thanks Joey! You're a real pal! Keep me posted." The doctor hung up.

"Huh," Joey said to himself. That doctor was a bit of a weird guy.

"What was that about, sweetie?" Eren asked Joey from down in his lap. Joey wrapped his fingers around her and brought her up to his giant lips, giving her a soft kiss.

"Oh, nothing important, love. Nothing at all," he replied sweetly. After a moment, and a deep breath, he said, "Eren, I need to talk to you about something."

"What is it, Joey?" Eren asked him, hugging his fingers.

Joey exhaled. "Eren, I've been thinking. I don't think it's a good idea for you to be on the giant side of the wall. It's not safe."

"W-what?" Eren stuttered.

"I love you, but I can't stand the thought of any harm coming to you. Maybe... this whole thing was a bad idea. You could go back to live on the human side and be safe," he continued. He felt like his heart was being ripped out of his chest as he spoke, but he had to say it.

"No!" Eren exclaimed with force. "Why would you even suggest that, Joey? Everyone I love—you, my father—is on this side! I wouldn't give my family up for anything!"

"But, Eren—I wasn't able to protect you-"

"That doesn't matter, Joey! You're everything to me, don't you understand that?! I went through pure hell, but I'd do it again to be with you! I knew the risks when I decided to stay. Even knowing what I know now, I'd make that same decision again in a heartbeat!"

"R-really?" Joey asked, flabbergasted.

"Absolutely!" Eren shouted, with conviction. She stared at him intensely, full of emotion. Joey felt a strong tug on his heartstrings as he looked down on his vivacious, petite little girlfriend. He loved her so much.

"Wow... you're crazy!" Joey laughed. "If that's really how you feel... hold on a second..." He set Eren down on the coffee table and left to grab something. Eren stood there, puzzled. Joey hurried back, squishing something small between the tips of his giant fingers.

"This wasn't really how I imagined it in my head, but that's okay," Joey said. Eren was clueless as to what he meant. Joey got down on one knee, so he was closer to Eren's level, although he still towered over her with his tremendous stature. He fumbled with the thing in his hand until he managed to open it with his nail. He offered to Eren a human-sized, velvet box. Eren looked inside and was shocked to see a sparkling diamond ring.

"Eren... will you marry me?"

Eren covered her mouth with her hands and started to tear up. "Yes! Yes, Joey! Of course!" She jumped into his hand. He swept her up in his palm, brought her up to his face, and passionately kissed her. She melted under his touch.

"I love you so much, Joey," Eren said.

"I love you too, Eren," Joey replied.

The couple didn't know what the future had in store for them. They didn't know if they could overcome all the challenges in their path. They knew one thing for certain, however: As long as they had each other, everything would be fine.

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