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A, N: Hello everyone. I am back in this series with another story. Do not worry. You don't need to have read the other one to understand this one. But might suggest watching Yugioh Vrains. That Show is just awesome. This pairing is quite rare. Only read one story with this. It was great and gave me some ideas for this one. Since this shipping also does not have a name, I decided on 'Respect rival shipping'. Just thought that fitted both of them. If you disagree, I don't mind hearing your suggestion for a Shipping name for both of them. Have fun reading.

Playmaker were staring. Horror was written on his face as he stared at the scene before him. Ai, the dark Ignis, in a digital trap created by Bohman. That was not supposed to happen! The duel had been dire enough already. Playmaker, alias Yusaku Fujiki, was the last one standing. The last obstacle for Bohman to clear before he could claim this virtual world as his own. Yusaku knew this because it had been all Bohman had been talking about. How he was this perfect being who was going to be humanity's successor. That and him. Yusaku still grimaced at the offer Bohman had made him earlier. How he would store his data in a special place inside his core and give him happiness. Happiness by erasing his memories and giving him fake ones showing a life without the Lost Incident. What sane person would accept such an offer? Sure, he did want to forget the lost incident and all its horrors. But, at the same time, he did not want them erased, because those memories made him who he was. It would also sullen the sacrifices his friends and allies had made. No Yusaku could never accept this. At least not back then.

Now, he was at yet another crossroads. All because of Bohman. Ai had sacrificed himself to stop Bohman's neuro link. That had been heartbreaking enough. The pain Yusaku had felt then, had torn a piece out of his heart. The only reason he had managed to carry on was because of the promise he had made to his fallen comrades. Especially Kolter and Varis. But then Ai returned, much to Yusaku's surprise, by using a backup file, he had installed in Roboppi. He had been so relieved. He thought there was hope for a better future. Only for that to be squashed when Bohman captured Ai. They really should have seen it coming. Bohman was a sophisticated program. An A.I. that had evolved. He would have realized that Ai had installed a backdoor into its core. But instead of fixing it, he baited them. He waited for Ai to make its move and... Now, Ai was trapped and was about to be deleted. Again! Yusaku couldn't take it. That was the last straw. After seeing countless of his friends being deleted. Not to mention him deleting Kolter himself. Something in him broke. Ai had already died once. He did not wish to see that ever again.

"Now Ai, you will become a part of me as well", Bohman remarked stoically. He beamed with pure confidence.

"You are making a huge mistake!", Ai exclaimed in a scared tone. "I taste bad. I will give you ingestion and... And Playmaker still has life points left. It would be wrong not to finish the duel...".

"Ai...". Yusaku muttered.

Though his confidence in his abilities had decreased exponentially. With 100 life points left, what could he do? He could summon firewall dragon or its Xyz form. Or one of his code talkers. But they had no power or useful abilities against Bohman's "Perfectron Highdrive Dragon". What could he do?

"Do not be afraid Ai. You will become part of something greater. Besides, being absorbed does not mean the end of your existence. You will all live on inside me".

"But I don't want to...! Playmaker help!".

Ai's cry for help woke Yusaku from his daydream. A terrible sight met him. The cage containing Ai in it was slowly dissolving into pure data. Ai was clinging to a few fragmented bits like life depended on it. It did, but that was neither here nor there to discuss.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2023 ⏰

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