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Paula looked at me wide eyed. Did she just slap me? Paula thought to herself. I stand up and the doctor comes in and said "Oh your awake. You were in a comba. Nothing to serious. Why your legs were that long we will never know. You are at the average height for a girl your age." I look at him and ask "How old do you think I am!?" The doctor said "Um...twenty." I burst out laughing and say "Hell no! I don't want to be twenty! I'm thirty five!" Murdoc licks his lips and said "Same here. I want to go home. Can we go home?" The doctor nodded and said "Yes you may leave.'t you want to put on your pants?" I look down and grab the shorts I undo the belt that was keeping Russel's oversized shirt from hanging to low. I pull on the shorts and I looked like I was wearing a dress. Russel walks in and picks me up. I was now shorter than before I went into a comba. Paula hugged me. Why is she hugging me? I thought out loud. "Because your wiser than your years! Your very wise for a thirty five year old like Mudz." She answered and Murdoc said "Shat up Paula! Your out of the band as soon as we can find another guitarist to take your place!" Paula looked at him and said "I know Mudz! You don't have to repeat yourself so much!" He scoffed and mutters under his breath "Yeah I do." Paula frowned and said "No you don't!" Russel, still holding me, said "Come on let's go already." Murdoc nods and said "Yeah." They walk out of the Hospital and look at the Geep. "Now how are we gonna be able to put everyone in the Geep?" Russel asked. "Joseph and Paula in the corvette and all of us in the Geep." I said. Paula yelled "See wisdom shows!" Joseph looked at her and said "She is thirty five years old so yeah I'd hope she is smart." Paula looks at him and blushed. I slap her and say "That's my big brother!" she looked at me then at Joseph and her eyes widened. "He is?!" she asked yelling. I nod and it starts raining. "Can we leave now?" I was soaking wet. The t-shirt Russel gave me was plain white and was now showing my hot pink bra. Russel hugged me tighter to his chest to keep me warm and from anyone seeing my bra. We get into the Geep and Russel puts me in the seat beside him so that if I got cold or pass out again he could grab me and hold me. Murdoc starts the Geep and it roars to life. "Woah! The Geep sounds wonderful!" Murdoc nods and said "Yup. Four wheel drive and it costs almost as much as a space shuttle. I'm still not finished with it though!" I nod and he starts driving forward. He starts speeding down the road. "Hey Mudzy can you slow down a little!" I yell over the roaring engine. He shakes his head and says "No way, luv! I will only turn up the radio and go faster!" I yell "Well then turn up the radio!" He does and Led Zeppelin blares from the speakers. I sing along with Stairway to Heaven and Stuart raised an eyebrow at me. "What? I love this song!" Stuart shook his head and Murdoc punched him in his shoulder hard. Stuart said "Hey! Mudz that hurt!" "It was supposed to hurt Dullard!" Murdoc said. I laugh and then shiver a little bit. Russel hugs me tight and I smile. Russel was so big and warm he felt like a giant teddy bear. I hug him back and he looks at me with love in his eyes. We make a sharp turn into the driveway of Kong and I fall out of the Geep.

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