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Everyone took their stuffs and got in the car. Yoongi dropped us at school and left to go to his college. We three entered inside and noticed that all the students were looking at us specially me. Ofcourse i am the hot topic right now. Without paying too much attention, i went to staff room and after keeping my bag , walked to my class.

Once I stepped inside someone pushed me really hard and I fell on floor. I looked up and found sora glaring at me. I completely forgot about her.

Author pov

You stood up and dusted off your clothes. She was fuming in anger which was a rare sight for everyone as she is a so called sweetheart of school.

"Bitch who the hell do you think you are? How can you lie about yumi killing her own sister? I know girls like you who just want attention from people and to get that you can do anything." She spoke in rage.

Other people already saw the video so they knew very well that sora is spouting nonsense. You were smiling which made her more angry and she swing her hand to slap you but you held her hand tightly digging your nails inside her skin leaving a bruise on wrist.

"Don't tell me about yourself . You are the one who do everything to get attention from people like sleeping with our ex teacher to get good marks, getting question papers 1 day before exam, making rumours about new girls whom you think can steal your popularity, was in relationship with a drug dealer and also bullied someone in your previous school to the extent that she had to commit suicide."

Everyone gasped on new information about their sweetheart, so many student were already recording it and some were doing live. Sora was shocked listening this , she thought that no one would know but oh well this was unexpected.

One of the bitchy girl , yera, who whole heartedly hate sora walked to you and asked you about the information you just gave if it was true or not. Yera is someone who is famous not just in school but also outside as one of the famous teenage model in industry. You bring out one pendrive from your pocket and gave it you her.

Mr. Park entered in class and everyone went to their respective seats. You were admiring him and he was still same flirting with you through his eyes.

It was last period now and sora didn't disturbed you but Suddenly someone made some noises from last bench and other students sitting beside her looked into her phone. Everyone expression were similar which make others take out their phone too

Their was so many proofs against sora. Pictures and videos of her bulling and also sleeping with teachers , hanging out with so many local drug dealers. Jimin was so calm , like he knew what was going on. You took out your phone too and checked your social media just to find sora is getting the attention which she want. You turned your face towards yera and smiled at her which she returned with a very cute smile.

She is beautiful and cute there is no doubt in that.

New friendship is going to start maybe.

School ended and you came out of school. Yoongi was already waiting for you in his car. Now about the proofs that you got in your hands is not that difficult to get and its more easy when you are sister of mafia whose best friend and also your boyfriend is the best hacker in whole Korea.

News headlines
Suga and his team is again active which is making all the gang leaders and also corrupted politician and police officers scared. They are hiding their illegal account which can be hacked by jimout.

You asked jimin why he choosed name jimout which he cockily replied

"Because once you jimIN you can't jimOUT."


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