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Your pov
No this can't be. I have only yoongi please please not him. I don't want to lose him.

When I told jimin about that guy we both left the college to reach home as soon as possible but once we entered everything feels like slipping out of our hands like sand. My father was sitting on couch and oppa's other friends were on floor getting beaten up by some men. We tried to stop them , jimin tried to fight but ofcourse they were so many.

My father slapped me two times and tied me up on chair beside jimin.

We heard door opened and yoongi oppa was standing there. He was scared and it was first time I Saw him being scared of someone.

Once he looked at me his eyes suddenly become red in anger. Fingerprint of my father's hand was on my cheek and it turned red. Corner of my lips was bleeding , that slap was really powerful.
Yoongi oppa was going to jump on this so called father of mine but before that he fell on floor.

Someone shot him from behind. He isn't moving. Person with gun entered inside making me shocked. I could never think of him betraying me.


"Mikey , how could you do this to me? You were my best friend." I asked him.

"Nothing is better than money y/m." He replyed unsure. Anyone could see how much he was trembling and hesitating.

Pov end

In that heart-wrenching moment, y/n sat frozen on chair, her eyes wide with shock and disbelief. The deafening sound of the gunshot echoed in her ears again as time seemed to slow down. Her best friend, the person she trusted with her life, stood there, trembling, holding the smoking gun.
Mikey once again shot yoongi in back. Y/n's couldn't breath , her heart was clenching.

Tears welled up in her eyes as she wanted to rushed to her brother's side, her hands trembling as she desperately wanted to stop the bleeding. The room was filled with a heavy silence, broken only by her choked sobs and the distant wailing of horns from the vehicles going and coming on main road.

Mikey stood there staring at his best friend wailing and screaming face. His heart was burning in pain. Her father came in front , near the body of yoongi and hit him two times slowly with his foot checking if he is actually dead. His lips curved upwards and one smile formed in satisfaction.

"Oh my y/n can I take this dress?" Someone's voice broke the silence of room. Y/n turned towards the stairs and found yumi standing there. At this point she wasn't even shocked because of all the bad things going on in her life.

"Aww don't cry sweetheart I am here for you. Once she die then you will be mine. I thought of taking yoongi but oops he is dead. Poor baby"  she said and hugged jimin.

Man was disgusted of her touches but couldn't do anything.

"Now my daughter who will save you ? Your brother is dead and your lover is here tied up." Her father said coming towards her. He opened his mouth to say something but cut off by kissing sounds from yumi. She was kissing jimin's cheeks , collorbone and neck forcefully. He was trying to shove her away , his eyes were red and tears were not stopping coming out. Anger, pain , disgust , he was feeling all these emotions at the same time.

"Bitch stop it." Y/n's father yelled at yumi but she didn't stop. He pointed the gun towards yumi and shot killing her at instant. Hayoon didn't knew that it was his biggest mistake. Killing her would kill him too.

All the men who were pointing gun at yoongi's friends turned their guns towards hayoon. He was so shocked to think about the outcomes.

"What the fuck you are doing, you fuckers,? I gave you money." He screamed at them.

"Shut up you douchebag. This girl gave us more money than you and her cousin have us more money than both of you and  told us to just act. "  One of those men said laughing.

"Seriously you are not loyal to anyone" hayoon yelled.

"Nothing better than money " man in black clothes replied.

"Aye you asshole dont copy my line." Mikey said from behind.

"Sorry boss." Man apologized laughing.

Now this is called some plot twist.

To be continued

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