Call for heroes

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There is 2 different worlds that separates each other through a world rift.Such rift only the deity's could pass through.In the other world different than the main world we are on,there lies 2 deities,Foreseen and Knowledge.Both deities in charge in the stable and peaceful world of theirs where mobs like zombies and creepers never attacked players.Instead they become friends with the players,maybe this is the world where the mob girls Steve made friends came from.As suddenly,a nether portal came from nowhere,not build by the players,instead the Piglins.The brutal and blood thirsty piglins came from the nether to slaughter the overworld and turning it into their own nether."These piglins are ruthless,and none of us are capable in combat of such a thing."Foreseen said."Combating is just not a thing in our world,but I know a world where combat is.Come with me!"Knowledge and Foreseen went to the portal and travelled from the rift to the world of ours.There they slowly venture down a base that is very well organised.This seems very clearly the player here is a veteran as a dragon egg and a few dragon heads can be seen.

"Steve,I thought you already have enough resources already?Why are you still mining!?"Cynthia,the Creeper girl is one of Steve's friend.She was found by him at the very first time he build a wooden house.Cynthia is different than the rest of the creepers,considering she is the only creeper peaceful enough to not blew Steve up."Cynthia,I am 164 diamonds off from finishing my diamond beacon.I need to get the diamonds!"Steve said."You have diamond blocks in your room!Stacks of them in stacks of shulkers in your chests! That's gonna be enough right?"Cynthia ask."No!Those diamonds are for my personal uses.I need to find these 164 diamonds.It shouldn't be that hard."Steve has found so many diamonds that it doesn't surprise him if he sees one anymore.Knowledge and Foreseen at last found Steve that is mining.They thought they would shock him with their appearance so they hid themselves in the light instead."At last,we've found you!Our world is in danger.We need to seek help from heroes of the other world to help us.Will you help us?"Awkward silence for a moment,Steve was just processing what in the world he just heard."......................A CALL FOR HEROES!?HELL YEAH!!!!!!"Steve runs around like a maniac and bonk himself to the wall."I think he means he will help us."Knowledge said."Great!We need a hero like you.Let us................"Before Foreseen could finish her words,Cynthia immediately interrupted them."Sorry to interrupt but you're telling me you came from another world that is in danger and called Steve to help you?"

"Yes.I know this may sound a little too awkward but just believe us."Knowledge said."I'm gonna be a hero for another world!?This is double exciting!Cynthia,stay here and talk to them while I fetch the rest!"Steve immediately drank his swiftness potion and sprint out of the cave."The others?He have friends?"Foreseen ask."Yes.Im just one of his."Cynthia sat down while waiting for Steve."You're supposed to be a creeper, aren't creepers in this world hostile against players?How come you went along just fine with him?"Knowledge ask."I'm different."The usually active Cynthia doesn't really seems hyped about talking with strangers.She's only been active while around Steve but not everyone else."What is this deities from another world you're talking abooooouuuuuuutttttttt!!!!!????"
Cynthia turned to see Steve while he single handedly carries Zoey,Skelly and Eileen with him."That strength potion really gone off huh?"She said."A zombie, skeleton and an ender............ girl?I wouldn't say enderman since she's a girl."Foreseen said."These are the deities you're talking about?"Eileen was the first to wake up from the dizziness."We are ready!"Steve said in confidence."Ready for whaaaaaaaaaatttttttttt!!!!!!!????"
Before Zoey could say anything they were immediately teleported to another world.This world was way different than their own."Welcome to our world.This is the hall where only deities like us resign.Here you can speak to us face to face."Knowledge said."YOU COULD'VE AT LEAST GIVE US A BREAK!!!!!!I JUST WOKE UP FROM BEING DRAGGED BY STEVE 70km/hour!"Zoey yelled at them."Oh no!Not another village!"Completely ignoring her,they looked at the holomap seeing the piglins raiding the villagers yet nothing they can do about it."This is where you came in."Foreseen looks at Steve.Steve suddenly realised other than his diamond sword,he didn't really bring anything else.Not even armor or a shield.Just a diamond sword and 64 pieces of steak.

"Welp.Gathering resources is gonna take some time."Steve was about to punch a tree close by when Knowledge stopped him."There is a much quicker and efficient way to do this.You can use melodies to summon Allays to help gather wood for you.Just use this."Knowledge gave Steve a melody block.Which he place and commands the Allay to gather wood which automatically was placed into his inventory.Steve's eye immediately shines as the possibilities about this feature could have."Can I gather stones like this?"Steve ask."Yes, there are some stones there,just use it."Steve went to gather stone and the same thing happened."Iron?"Steve ask."Yes."Knowledge answer."Gold?"Steve ask again."Yes."Knowledge replied again."REDSTONE?COAL?DIAMONDS?"Steve was so intrigued."Yes!Yes!Yes!"Knowledge answered."THIS IS THE BEST FEATURE EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!SCREW YOU PICKAXE!"Steve runs around and gathers absolutely everything he sees."Hes gone insane."Skelly and the others just nods."You can also command the Allays to build things for you.For example a ramp,try it over this cliff."Knowledge points the cliff to Steve.He place the melody block and commands the Allay to build a simple yet beautiful bridge.It was magnificent for Steve."Such such speed as well................why did I not have this feature back then,this would've been so much easier!"Steve said.

"Finally,you can build your own army using the resources you just gathered.Just request to build a spawner from the menu on the melody table.Let's try wood golem!"Steve spawned a rather tiny and cute wood golem."What can it do?"Steve ask."It can attack piglins.Test it out over there.We build a piglin hologram to test it out."Knowledge points at the piglin hologram.The wood golem immediately fires a a flurry of wooden sticks at the piglin hologram."I can summon as many as I want!?"Steve ask."25 at max.You can't spawn anymore if it exceeds the limit."Foreseen said."Oh damn it.Still a cool feature though.These golems are cute and nice,unlike the iron golems in my world."The word 'Iron golem' actually scared the mob girls a bit."Iron golem?Would you like to present it to us maybe?"Foreseen ask."Oh,it's nothing similar to these wood golems.Just give me 4 iron blocks and a pumpkin!"Knowledge gave Steve his 4 iron blocks and a pumpkin.Which he immediately build,the golem emerge as a female,quite thicc and 3 times the size of Steve."This is the iron golem you are talking about?It is incredible!"Foreseen and Knowledge never seen an iron golem."Hostiles detected,EXTERMINATE!"The iron golem sees the mob girls and immediately went on aggressive mode."Oh crap a forgot about it's thing where it attacks mobs.Let me fix it."Steve facepalm.

"FIX IT QUICK!!!!!!"Eileen yelled as she teleported away.It first sees Skelly and wanted to punch her.Zoey came and stopped the coming fist with both of her hands.Being a zombie,she does have the strength to stop a golem's fist."Zoey you're strong!"Skelly grabbed her bow and tried to shoot it.The arrow only bounced off her chest.She grabbed Zoey's legs and starts slamming her rapidly to the floor."That's it iron golem that's enough!"Steve splashed water at her with a bucket.She looked at Steve and dropped Zoey before kneeling to him."Really?A bucket of water puts it out of its rage? That's all?"Eileen ask."At your service master."Steve was shocked when the iron golem called him master.He didn't know she's this loyal.Most iron golems he sees from the village never been this polite to him.Probably because the one created them wasn't Steve."Umm,you don't need to call me master.Just call me Steve!And don't go and crush them, they're my friends!Zoey,Skelly,Cynthia and Eileen.These 2 are deities Knowledge and Foreseen."Steve introduced them to her."Oh...........friends..............."She memorized it."As for you,what about I call you............uhh.............ionic gladiator!"Steve said."That wasn't a promising name............"Zoey said and everyone agreed."C'mon!Then any name suggestions?"Steve ask."Umm,Galeon?"Knowledge suggest."Fitting."Everyone nodded."My name is...............Galeon?"She ask."Yes.Damn you felt like you were just a new born baby.You could educate her about this world right Foreseen?"Steve gave Galeon to Foreseen."Sure.We would be honoured.With her capabilities we just witnessed,she could be the guardian of the village.She could take on an entire army of piglins on her own."Foreseen said."How come you get to educate her?I gave her the name?"Knowledge complain."I meant both of you.Anyways what am I supposed to do?"Steve ask "Oh yeah,you can launch an attack to one of the occupied villages.You can reclaim the village and save the villagers there!Rally up your army!"Foreseen said."Alright,hero journey here I come!"Steve suddenly jumped with his sword in the air making a hero pose."Dudes really thought he became a protagonist in a video game.............."Skelly said "Yeah................."The other mob girls just nods.

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