𝟏𝟎𝟏, you have every right to mourn!

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Estella had been staying at the kingdom with daryl since what had happened on the spikes. it had been around three months. it had gotten to be an extremely cold winter. the pipes had burst at the kingdom, and it wasn't fit to stay in. it was bad, and none of the houses were in any good of condition. it'd be impossible to survive the winter at the kingdom, so they had to go. all of them would have to leave and go to hilltop for a little bit.

this winter was probably the coldest estella had ever experienced, or coming in at a speedy second place to the winter she was five years old and had to go and stay with her grandma as she almost froze to death in the house when somebody had put a brick in their window thinking the house belonged to somebody else.

she was walking alongside daryl and lydia, ready to walk to the hilltop. daryl had forced her to wear a coat, a sweater, a scarf, and gloves. they had a ten minute argument about her wearing a hat that would actually keep her warm, but she refused to take her usual hat off. in the end, he just let her do whatever she wanted.

snow was falling, and estella knew it wouldn't be long before it all coated the floor, making the cold worsen. it was just a matter of time, so it was lucky that they left the kingdom when they did.

"are you okay?" estella asked lydia, who had her head down.

"yeah, just cold. are you?" she asked, estella nodded.

"mhm." she replied. "it'll be better when we get to the hilltop."

"yeah." lydia nodded, putting her head back down.

since losing henry, lydia had gotten even quieter if it was possible. estella thought a lot about ottie, and how she wouldn't want her to stand around and mope over her death, so she wasn't. she missed her like crazy, but she was staying strong for her. she was trying to help lydia do the same, but she didn't. people grieved in different ways. estella couldn't tell lydia to be happier, just like lydia didn't have the right to tell estella to be sadder. they were both coping in the ways their mind let them cope.

"it'll get colder when the snow sets in. if i was in charge, i'd be making us all do a marathon sprint to hilltop." estella said.

"you can't run a marathon." daryl jokingly scoffed next to her.

"yeah, probably not." she shrugged. "it'd get us there faster, and we would be stuck in the cold for less time."

"i told you to wear a different hat." he told her, she rolled her eyes.

"i'm not cold because of the hat, dad. i'm cold because it's like minus seven degrees out here." she answered.

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