Chapter 40

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Marlena sat on the edge of her bed lost in thought. She startled when John said, "I'm glad Carrie had the kids asleep when we got here."

"I feel guilty that she's sleeping on the couch," Marlena replied.

"We need a place with more space," he said. "I'd like to start looking, although now that Lawrence has gone to Europe, the family estate is vacant."

Marlena looked at him in surprise, picturing the large mansion. "That place is massive, John! Surely you don't think we need something quite that large?"

"Think about it like this, Doc, a bedroom for us, one for each of the twins, a nursery, plus Brady's room...a spare room so Carrie isn't on the couch. That's already six bedrooms."

Marlena smiled wanly, "'re right." She yawned widely, and John reached for her hand, helping her stand up.

"Lift your arms, baby," he directed, lifting the hem of her satin blouse. "Let's get you cleaned up." Pulling her shirt off of her, John saw the deep purple bruises marring the soft skin on the inside of her upper arms. Roman had hurt her again. He touched the skin softly, lifting her arm up, and kissing the damaged skin. Roman would never put his hands on her again. John wouldn't trust him to be near her alone ever again. Not after what had happened.

Marlena looked at John with deep sadness, and exhaustion in her eyes, "Do you think Carrie is okay?"

"Carrie, as much as I hate saying this, has never been able to form a real bond with Roman since his return. It has been a series of misunderstandings, and wrong turns. Maybe at this point that is better for her."

"Better? Why would it be better?"

"Because, what he did this evening, what he did to you...that would hurt much worse, if she had high expectations of him," John whispered. "I hate seeing it that way. I hate saying it out loud...but it's true Doc. Carrie has seen Roman at his worst over the last two years."

"I know," she whispered. Roman had very likely irreparably destroyed his relationship with Carrie. Rebuilding the trust would be next to impossible.

John's hands trailed lightly over the skin of her softly rounded abdomen, and he was in awe. "Your pregnancy is starting to show. I hadn't realized."

She shivered, reveling in the soft touch of his fingers against her skin. His eyes caught hers, and his fingers paused on the belt at her waist, asking, in silence...requesting her permission to go forward. Barely able to catch her breath, she said on a sigh, "Yes."

Deft fingers pulled her leather belt free, dropping it to the floor with a rattle. Returning to the clasp that held her pants at her waist, John unfastened those as well, pulling her zipper down. Marlena gasped softly, when John slid his hands low, over her back, and inside, cupping her bottom. Pulling her closer, he nuzzled her neck, and whispered, "I was so scared tonight."

"I was scared...for you," she replied, touching his face softly. "I really wish you hadn't come in that room."

"There was no way, I wouldn't come in there, baby. I wouldn't leave you there, if I had the opportunity to get to you, no matter how dangerous the situation was," John whispered, as his lips drifted over the soft skin of Marlena's neck. He pushed her slacks over her bottom, and they slithered to the floor. Marlena stepped out of them, and smiled when John told her, "I will always come for you...always."

Marlena's eyes filled with tears. The stress of the day, her worry for Roman, and her love for John all consumed her. "I want you with me...I want you with us. You and Brady."

John laced his fingers through hers and lead her into her bathroom, where he pulled his shirt over his head. She watched him in silence when he turned on the shower and slipped the button of his jeans free. His eyes captured her, and her body trembled with want.

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