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2 Months Later back in San Fran (Febuary 14th)

I groaned as I vomited some more. That's all I've done for the past 3 days. Joe put my hair up for me and started rubbing my back. "Are you done for now?" I nodded my head as I flushed the toilet. He helped me stand up and catch my balance so I could brush my teeth. After I brush my teeth, I sit on the counter.

"You okay baby?" Joe asks me as I lay my head on his shoulder. "No. I feel like shit." He grabbed my right hand and intertwined our fingers. "Come on, lets go lay down." I get off the counter and we walk into the bedroom, where I lay down on the bed.

Joe lays down next to me and wraps his arms around me. He grabbed the TV remote and turned it on to Spongebob. "Are you packed for Arizona?" I ask him. "Yeah. Are you coming with me?" "Yeah, but Im not packed." He places a gentle kiss to my shoulder. "We will get you packed, don't worry."

Just as we were getting comfortable, there was a knock at the door. "Seriously?" He groans as he stands up. "Bri, Abigail's here." I walk downstairs and see Joe, George and Abigail in the living room. "Bye Bri. I'll be back after the meeting." Joe kisses my lips, then he and George are out the door.

"Brittany, are you still feeling bad?" "Yeah." I sigh. Abigail gives me a look. "You don't think you're pregnant, do you?" I close my eyes and think. "Yeah, I guess there's a possibility I am." At that exact moment, another wave of sickness sweeps over me. I dash to the bathroom and empty my stomach again. "Brittany, you need to take a pregnancy test." Abigail says from the other side of the door. I flush the toilet and get cleaned up before searching for a test. Finding one, I take it and wait for 5 minutes like it said to do.

Pregnant. That's what the test says when the 5 minutes is up. I unlock the door and Abigail walks in. "Well?" I point towards the test. She looks at it then squeals. "BABY PANIK!!" I throw the test away then we walk into the living room.

"How do you plan on telling Joe?" She curiously asked me. "I want to get a little onesie that says 'Newest Giants Fan' and then leave it somewhere around the house so he can find it." "I've seem those before. I think I saw one yesterday at Walmart!" I grab my car keys and then we head to Walmart. We find the onesie and buy it, then head back to the house.

"Scratch the first idea. I've got a better one." I say as we walk in the door of the house. "What is it?" I sit down at the computer and open Microsoft Word, beginning to type. When I finish typing, I show her what I typed.

Baby Panik:
Coming to home plate in September!

"While the guys are playing a Spring Training game, we can go into the locker room and tape these in all the lockers, then leave the onesie in Joe's." "Thats a good idea." We get all the flyers printed and then we hide them and the onesie. Just as we finished hiding them, the front door opened and loud voices filled the house. Walking into the living room, we see George, Joe, Buster and Maddy talking about Spring Training. We all hang out until it gets late and everyone leaves.

March 2nd (Scottsdale, Arizona)
I planned on putting the flyers and onesie in the lockers today during the game. Glancing over at Abigail, I give her a look then look back towards the locker rooms. We walk back there and get to work. I took half while she took the other half, hoping that we could get it done quicker.

After we finish, we walk back into the dugout like we had never left. The Giants ended up losing, so they were upset. All the guys walked back to the locker room, so Abigail and I climbed up on top of the dugout to sit and hide.

Next thing we know, Matt Cain is screaming, Brandon Belt is yelling "OH MY GOD!", and loud footsteps are heard in the tunnel. "Where is she?" I heard Angel Pagan say. They had entered the dugout below us, so Abigail and I had to be extremely silent. We had our phones on silent, so instead of talking we were texting.

To: Abigail
They are so clueless as to where we are.

From: Abigail
Thats for sure. I wonder what Joe's reaction was.

To: Abigail
He's probably still standing there in shock.

From: Abigail

I was tired on hiding from the guys, so I texted Brandon Belt.

To: Belt
Walk out of the dugout and look up Sherlock.

I hear his phone go off from the dugout below me. "The hell does this mean?" He mutters as he walks out of the dugout. Seeing me, he gets the rest of the guys out on the field. "Found her." Is all he has to say to them. "YOU'RE PREGNANT!?!?" They all yell at me. "Surprise! Where's Joe?" I didn't see him with the other guys.

"Sitting in the locker room in shock." Is what was told to me by Maddy. I sigh. "Hunter, Sergio, can ya'll go get him?" They walk back to the locker room and soon return, carrying Joe. Abigail jumped off the dugout and went to stand with George, as she was curious and wanted to know all of the guys reactions. Everyone left, leaving just Joe and I.

He climbs up onto the dugout with me and wraps his arms around me, pulling me into his lap. "Im gonna be a dad. I can't believe it." He mutters into my hair. I lay my head on his shoulder and relax. We sit there like that for quite a while, with Joe occasionally talking to the baby.

When we get back to the hotel, I lay on the bed while Joe went to shower. He showered and changed, then came and layed down next to me. "I still can't believe Im gonna be a dad." I lay my head on his chest and smile, happy he is excited for the baby to come.

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