Chapter 2

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"You!" Shocked but yet angry voice shouted at each other. They both grabbed each other's collars and pushed one another till one of them were against the wall.

Their face had came this close where they could feel each other's hot breath fanning their face. "What the hell are you done here you bastard!" Fourth whispered in low voice and tried to shove the other party away from his body with was pushed against the wall. Gemini chuckled and didn't even budged when Fourth tried to do his best to shove him away. "I could ask you the same question too. And well, I didn't see your name written in this place so why can't I be here." Gemini said in clam voice but tightened his grip on Fourth hand which he had pinned above his head into the wall.

Fourth tried to fight back with lot of strength but still couldn't make Gemini release him. "But know you have seen that I'm here with my friends so u better get lost from here if you don't want another fight to start" Even if Fourth still pissed off because of earlier fight they had gotten into with each other where they have been caught by their couches which ended with them running around the field ten extra time then normal, he didn't want their friends to see each and start another war that will only end up with both part getting in trouble.

"Why should I leave with my friends, if you don't want another fight then it should be you running away with your friends, not me because I know for sure that my friends are ready to take down your friends" Gemini also didn't want another fight to start but he also wanted to tease Fourth more and see the reaction of Fourth.

The word that Gemini had just said and the way he calmly had said as if them fighting would bring no trouble to both teams had angered Fourth more. "How can you still be so ignorant knowing that if another fight was to happen then both mine and yours team would not be able to make to the finals." Fourth shouting did not phase Gemini but made Gemini smile more because he had gotten the reaction he was wanting to get from Gemini.

The smile on Gemini face just annoyed Fourth more and just when he was about to shout at Gemini more, they both heard some voice outside the restroom which was all familiar to both of them. "Where the hell is Gemini, his been Gina for like an hour or so and it's also getting late!" It was the voice of Gemini's friend Satang who had come looking for Gemini. "I don't know why it's taking him so long to use restroom" Mark is also another close friend of Gemini said.

When Fourth and Gemini heard the two voices, they both froze in there spot. And the first one to come back to their sense was Fourth who saw the door handle moving in an sign that someone was about to come in, he pushed Gemini off his body and instead he grabbed Gemini arm and pulled him inside the last cubicle with him and locked the door. It was now his turn to push Gemini in the wall but instead of holding Gemini hands above in head, he put his arms beside Gemini head and Gemini hand on his waist securely holding him in a place as both of their faces got close to each other yet again. They seems so engrossed to each other that they had forgotten the danger that are getting close to them.

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