Chapter 3

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Just when their nose touch they hard the banging in the door. "Gemini! Are u in there?" Satang asked in a loud voice which made the two to flinch away from each other. Hearing his friends voice right outside the cubicle that they were in had brought him back to his sense and saw that the door couldn't hide their feet so their friends could see the four pair  of feet instead of. So without much thinking he sat on top of the stool and pulled Fourth in to his lap which surprised Fourth adds he had to balance himself while holding onto Gemini's shoulder. While Gemini covered his mouth with his hand.

Because they still got answers as they waited, Satang got irritated so he started to twist the handle of the door to make to open. "Hey, calm down friend maybe he isn't here and it could be someone else inside" mark stopped Satang as he was close on breaking the door which may not only the person who is inside but also the owner of the club. "But I have clearly heard the voice of the Gemini, also if someone else was here then I have almost broke this door but they still haven't answered or yell at us so that's suspicious" the three were left dumbfounded as they fully digested the words said by the great Satang who couldn't even solve a simple math problem before but now here he is acting like an actual genius detective. "Wow! Has your brain finally came back from vacation? But anyway, what you're saying is quite right."

"Ai' Satang! Would you stop trying to destroy the poor door. And yes I was here the whole time." Gemini was afraid that Satang would again try to break the door so in hurry without much thought he answered them back.

"Ai'Gem! So it was you, see Ai' Mark I did told you I had heard his voice here so you refused to believe me." Satang had this winning smile on his face while his surprised voice echoed in the small bathroom

"Yeah yeah, not stop smiling like the that or else your mouth will be ripped open, also Ai' Gem, we called for you so many time why have you not answered even when this idiot almost broke this door" mark asked him endless questions without knowing how much he was panicking

When he thought he was about faint, he finally got an idea and looked at Fourth and knew that in the end he will be killed by this men who is sitting on his lap but still had to gave it a try. So he tried to communicate with him with eyes in which Fourth raised his eyebrows, confused on what game Gemini is playing while his good for nothing friends were right outside the cubicle.

"Ai'Gem! Why the heel have you gone quiet again? Answer me or else this angry bird is ready to drill the door again? Mark yelled when he received nothing but silence

"Yes I will drill- Wait who are you calling angry bird!"

"Ai' Gem!" Mark didn't pay attention to him  and banged in the door loudly

"Can you two stop fighting for a second and go back, I will be back with you guys after sometime, I'm busy right now" Gemini shouted after he stopped trying to inform Fourth his plan as Fourth was still confuse with the weird faces he was making

"What the hell are you doing that's keeping you this busy to even- wait wait, Gemini don't tell me you you're busy because you're doing that" mark held teasing voice with an smirk on his face while Fourth looked like he just was a ghost. ' what is he thinking? Is he really thinking of doing what I think is he gonna do?' Fourth thought and tried to shout which only resulted in Gemini tightening his hold on him

"What the hell are you, what is Ai'Gem doing that's this busy" Satang asked Mark with an confused face who slapped his forehead

"Yeah, now that you know can you two get out and leave me alone" Gemini felt like digging an big hole for himself and bury himself in that hole. ' no way are you gonna do this. I don't care if I have to fight with them or have a whole war break but this ain't happening' Fourth was still struggling and Gemini was having bit an hard time controlling him so with an full force he Fourth toward him which made their groins touch.

The action caused both Gemini and Fourth to groan, both of their eyes widened because of the sound that had came out from their mouth. It was not only them who heard the sound but the two other who were outside especially Mark who had his ears attached to the door also had the blessing to hear the groans of the two ad almost fell.

"What is that sound? Ai'Gem are you ok in there? It sounded like someone was hurt? Is it you?" Satang who was clueless thought that Gemini have gutted himself inside their.

Mark whipped his head toward Satang fast as lightning almost breaking his neck in process, 'how was it that just an while ago he was acting all this smartly but now tsk tsk, looks like his brain couldn't stand him anymore and went back to vacation' Mark thought as he looked at Satang with pitiful look

"Ai' Satang, he isn't hurt" Mark collected himself and grabbed Satang arm

"But didn't you just hear him groaning inside? And why are you dragging me?" Satang was still confused

"Just know that he isn't hurt" Mark was getting fed up with this clueless person

"But he-"

"Oh my gosh please shut up and I will tell you why outside" Mark had now fully accomplished to drag Satang outside leaving Gemini and Fourth alone who looked beyond pissed with how things have turned out to be and Gemini was ready to bolt out to save his precious life.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2023 ⏰

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