Chapter 19 - Home

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As the relationship was getting serious about moving in together.

She was having a serious conversation with him and was having a stable job

She was focused on college is important to her. She was graduating from college in the spring.

She was excited to move to New York City with their boyfriend and was looking for a new job

She searched for an apartment on Zillow on the laptop. She was excited to move in together with their boyfriend

She was looking apartment in NYC. She  was looking for a job to support herself.

She had a conversation with him about finances was not a big issue in their relationship.

She was living with their parents was not support their decision. Their parents were not happy about the news. Their parent is religious about moving in together

She was having conversations with their parents were listening to her. She was thinking to make the right choice. Belle was listening to their parent's opinions about moving in together.

She were not religious about marriage. Belle was happy to move to a new city. 

She was talking with their friend was support their decision. She was thinking about the future with him and were on the same page.

She was listening to their parents have strong opinion about him.She's looking for apartment in the city. She have visit couple apartment in the city.

She have make appointment on zillow to visit apartment in the city.

She have buy new clothes and jewelry on the online. She have buy new object for the house.

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