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Yuki gently knocked on the door, worried for his friend because of a rumor he'd heard about him falling, his tail gently swaying behind him before hearing a small come in behind the door. He'd slowly open the door and walk in to see Niel sitting on the couch, drinking something calmly before putting his cup down as Yuki walked over, sitting down next to him and looking at him

"Do you..feel okay?" Yuki asked, being obviously worried for Niel. "Mhm..I feel fine." Niel responded suspiciously calmly, keeping his eyes on Yuki as if he's searching for something. Yuki just nodded hesitantly as he glanced at Niel's wings, both of them being a light gray fading to dark instead of the pure white they once were, along with the once bright halo that seemed to be melting and fading to a void-ish black. Niel noticed his staring and his facial expression changed for a split second before going back to the suspiciously calm face it was.

"Tell me..do you think I'm crazy? Just because I've fallen?" His voice got a little softer but it had gotten serious as well. Yuki was a little surprised by the question but shook his head, confused a little on why he'd ask. Niel seemed a little unhappy with the question and stood up, standing in front of Yuki with a unknown look in his eyes.

Yuki had been getting even more confused by the moment, especially when Niel slowly caressed his face.* "I'm sorry, but this is for your own good." *Niel muttered before Yuki's vision started getting blurry, making the latter panic and start to shake as his vision eventually kept getting blurred and his eyes were in a dazed like state. Making Niel smile as a purple smoke would start to fill the room, Yuki's body getting extremely relaxed as he leaned into his touch more. His tail already going limp despite the fact his hands were still slightly

(AN: possibly more with these two)

Yuki and NielWhere stories live. Discover now