First Morning

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The morning came quickly than I imagined, A warm wetness on my stomach woke me up and a weight on top of my body. It took me a few moments before remembering the things that happened the previous night. I decided to open my eyes only to be greeted by a bundle of blond hair in my face.

Only now that I realized that weight that's hovering my body belonged to one of the girls, I looked down seeing Marcy sleeping peacefully while clutching my shirt with both of her hands.

I frowned when I noticed that the other side of the bed is empty, I looked around the room and spotted Natalia curled up in the corner of the room besides the door but before I could even attempt to move, A faint smell of urine entered my nostrils and I knew just then what the problem is.

The other side of my bed was wet as well as the bottom half part of my body indicating two accidents.
Damn it, why did I not think of putting some protection on them, thanks a lot to Dr. Dun who didn't care giving pointers about this. I don't even have the supplies for them.

I guess i'm just going to have to figure it out on my own. For now, I really need to get us three in the shower.

I gently moved Marcy's hair from her face making her whimper in her sleep.

"Marcy, darling, It's time to wake up" I said as I started brushing her hair hoping not to wake her up in a bad mood.


"Yes, come on doll, we need to get in the shower soon, you had an accident bubs" Thank goodness it is summer, meaning the temperature of the house isn't as bad as when it is at winter time.

At that, Marcy jolted up in panic.

"Hey, hey it's okay Marcy, I'm not mad darling" I said reaching out to her and pulling her back to me.

"S-sorry, no hurt p-please" My heart dropped at the sentence

"It's okay, you didn't do anything wrong, I promise it's okay" I said trying to keep my voice calm as possible as to not add to her panic.

"Sorry" She said finally calming down

"It's okay, let's have a shower then breakfast, sounds okay?"

"Yes" she said leaning her head on my shoulder

I wrapped my arm around her ignoring the wetness that my skin came in contact with as I carry her to the bathroom.

"Stay here okay? I'm going to get your sister" I said placing her down the bathroom's counter.

I went back to our room seeing Natalia already looking up at me with fear in her eyes.
I smiled as I carefully crouched down in front of her.

"Hi" I said rubbing her shoulder hoping it will soothe her out

She just stared at me warily so I decided to push my luck putting my arms beneath her armpits and placing her on my hips, her body is stiff and she clutches her hands on my shirt tightly.

"It's okay, let's go clean up with Marcy, and then we'll eat breakfast" I said trying to divert her mind elsewhere by telling her this morning's activities.

As we reached the bathroom, I saw Marcy patiently waiting for us on top of the counter where I left her.

"Good girl Marcy, thank you for waiting" I praised her which earned me a cheeky grin.

"Shower?" Natalia asked

"Yes Natty, don't worry the water's warm" I said placing her down and taking Marcy's hands to help her off the counter.

I open the shower and start testing the water to make sure it's warm enough.

"Okay come on girls, get in" I said looking back at them who are still in their wet jammies.

"Is it okay if I help?" I asked which they nodded


I first help Marcy out of her dirty clothes and then Natalia. I ushered them in the shower while putting the dirty clothes in the basket.

After getting rid of my clothes, I joined the two in the shower.

Joining - meaning, me helping them clean theirselves out. I lathered them up with my lavender shower gel, making sure to avoid their eyes once I got to their face. I was surprised when I didn't see any complaints while washing them knowing well that they aren't really fond of new people after their reaction to first meeting me yesterday.

This is a progress for me. And I hope we'll get to a routine very soon. I still need to call Mother to iron everything out.

Once I was done washing them, I ushered them out of the bathroom. I saw Amy still fast asleep so I decided to dress the two girls first. I really don't have the energy to retrieve their things downstairs so I'm just going to give them my own.

I took out two pairs of oversized shirt and leggings. When I turned around, I saw the two girls staring at my chest with big doe innocent eyes. I forgot that I'm still naked and still haven't showered.

Crap, This is the worst time to regress.

I quickly dressed both of them making them seat on the bed. I look around the room looking for something that might entertain them, I decided to just open the TV, maybe it will also wake Amy up.

"Alright little ones, I'll just be in the shower real quick. Can you stay here please?" They both nodded and the TV started playing a show getting both of their attention.

I quickly made my way to the shower but I did not close the door so I can still hear what's going on outside.

After my very quick shower, I went back to the bedroom seeing all three of the girls staring at the window and not at the TV that was playing coco melon.

I rummaged through my closet and got my self a simple white shirt and some leggings.
I looked back at the bed and approached Amy.

"Good morning sleepy head, do you also want a shower, or breakfast first?" I asked sitting down beside her
Her eyes were still a little puffy and there are pillow marks on her skin.

She looked up at me and was about to say something when my door suddenly opened startling all of us.

Amy freezes and Marcy maneuvered herself to my side hugging me trying to hide her face in my neck.

"Good morning girls!" My step mother came in holding a tray of pancakes and sippy cups filled with milk.

The smell of the food caught the girls' attention. And my mother smiled warmly at them making them relaxed.
She placed the food down on the round table beside the window seat.

"When did you arrive?" I asked standing up with Marcy in my arms.

"Last night" She said simply taking Natalia's and Amy's hand and making them sit at the window seat. She handed both of them a sippy cup and started cutting the pancakes in small pieces. Natalia's confused but relaxed expression made me want to squish her rosy cheeks.

"I did not want to be a bad mama by not teaching you the basics of being one yourself" I rolled my eyes at that making Marcy giggle.

I raised my brow at her saying "Oh is that funny?"

"Yah" She said giggling

"Is that so... I think this is funnier" At that I began tickling her sides making her squirm and laugh out loud.
But I did not want to tire her out so I stopped after a few seconds.

My mom cleared her throat pulling my attention to her.

"Looks like you guys are getting along quite nicely, would you like to talk now while they eat?"

"Sure" I said putting Marcy on her feet "Go on and eat with your sisters honey"

We sat down at the end of the bed and she took out her phone telling me to also get my phone out.

"Great! Let's get started"


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