Too Early?

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"And that would be all for their mental needs.... Now for the physical needs, Marcy & Natalia tend to regress to a much younger headspace. And I meant younger meaning, 4-5 month old" My mother continued

We just finished discussing their mental & emotional needs, and the things I'm going to need while caring for them.

"That's very young mother, I don't know if I can handle them both being regressed to that headspace" Now this is getting much serious now.

"One of the reasons I keep on telling you that you need to get yourself a partner"
She said matter of factly.

"Pfft, like somebody would actually love someone like me" I said rolling my eyes

"Honey trust me when I say that a lot of people would want to date you, marry you. I mean If only I'm younger I would definitely tap that" She said winking at me

"You're just saying that because you are my mother"

"And just because I'm your mother it means my opinion doesn't matter?" She said in an excused tone.

Well technically, she has to be nice to her "daughter". Right?

"Whatever... Now what does a 4-5 month old baby needs?" I asked changing the topic

She looked at me funnily while biting her lips. Oh no, that face again. This is bad.

"Well, that... I have these tablets for you... That you need to take starting tonight..."  She took out a packet of what seems like white round tablets with a label that says Galactogogues.

"No, Ravina, no." Nope not ready for that and I don't think I will ever be ready for that.

She shook her head looking behind me.

"Look, look at them Katherine. They couldn't help it. It's not their fault, they've already been through so much. Little things like this-"

"This is NOT a "little" thing and YOU know that" I whispered harshly

It's literally our first day, and she's already introducing me to nursing. Damn it holy mother of purple elephants!

"Well, I'll leave these to you. If you ever change your mind, I mean it would be great if you change your mind. Think about it Katherine."

After that, she stood up and walked up to the girls kissing their foreheads goodbye and then winking at me, which again had me rolling my eyes.

I sighed watching my mother walk out of my room knowing that this is probably the last time I will see her again this year. That woman knows how to hide from the world.

6 or so years ago, there was a time when I got really worried because she wasn't answering her phone, my other mother too. I thought they were killed or something. I had to hire a private investigator, we tried looking for her and mommy for months but found nothing. And then a day before Halloween, I woke up to her shaking me awake telling me that she bought me a sexy Halloween costume.

I don't even know how they do it. If there are people who can perform perfect crimes I think it's them.

Something dropped on the floor catching my attention. I saw Marcy getting up from the window seat, a sippy cup on the ground and a trail of liquid following her movements. She scrambled towards me and I sigh catching her in my arms.

"It's okay doll. Let's clean up. My mother left the supplies in the living room. Is it okay if you wear a pull up today?" I asked scratching her back to stop the tears that are threatening to spill from her big green eyes.

"Y-yes please. Sorry."

"No need to be sorry my love"

After cleaning up and changing her with another pair of house clothes, I took them all downstairs to see the supplies that my mother got for them.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2023 ⏰

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