Chapter 2

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I got to the cabin without any more problems and the others soon followed. I waited for everyone to get in and close the door before pushing down my hood and taking off my mask. I hate having to wear them. They make me feel trapped.

"I thought they would be dead. They should be dead. Why are they not dead?" I started pacing as I rambled on. "It's been 500 years. They should all be dead."

"I don't know why they're still alive. You're right, it doesn't make any sense. I'll have to ask Chiron about the campers later." Maris pulled his hood up and put his mask back on as if he were about to leave.

"Where are you going?" I ask my brother.

"To the stables. I have to see something." He calmly replied.

"I'll go with.I hate being locked up in the palace."

"Fine. But pull up your hood and put your mask back on. We don't want them to know who we are just yet."

I follow my brother's instructions and we leave the cabin.

The campers had returned to what they were doing but I can feel them glaring at us from the corners of their eyes. I'm trying to ignore them but... It's making me feel extremely uncomfortable.

Finally! The stables! I wonder if Feather is still alive. She was my pegasus when I went to camp. I can hear the pegasi talking to each other in my head but I shielded my mind before entering the stables so that the pegasi can't hear my thoughts. I saw Percy walking around slowly as if searching for something. I know he's looking for his old friend Black Jack. I watch my brother for a few moments. In those moments I watch as he finds his old friend and it just makes me want to find Feather even more. I just start walking in the direction of Feather's old stall.

FEATHER!! She's here! She's really here! After 500 years, she's still here! I have to tell Maris!

"Maris! Maris come over here!" I almost yell at my brother.

"What is it? What's wrong?" Percy ran over to me probably freaked out that I yelled.

"It's her! She's still here! After all these years!" I whispered at him with excitement in my voice.

"I told Black Jack who I am. You should tell Feather who you really are."

"I will." I walked right up to Feather's stall and softly clear my throat. She looked up at me, decided I was uninteresting, and went back to eating her carrots.

That's no way to treat an old friend now is it?

I asked and her head shot straight up, eyes wide.

That's right! Hi Feather! Long time no see, huh?

Where have you been? You owe me like, 500 years worth of donuts!

I know I do. How about a ride? For old times sake?
Sure thing! Hop on. Black Jack! We're taking them out! Now!
Yes ma'am! Get on boss! Time to fly!
Feather and Black Jack basically threw us on and ran, trying to get out of the stables first. Feather was always faster than Black Jack so I was first out of the stables. We took off over the lake and made our way to the beach. It's so beautiful. It looks exactly the same as when we left. Why are we flying into town? Feather must really want her donuts. Feather bucked me off and I start falling towards the water below. I do what first comes to mind. Open my wings and fly. I don't want people to know that I'm alive. Water is not my friend right now.

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