Chapter 6

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I wake up in the infirmary. Again. My stomach hurts from where the spear had been. I try to get up but the pain is excruciating. Where's Will Solace when you need him?

"Good morning Princess. How're you feeling today?" Guess who decided to show up.

"What makes you so happy this morning?" I growl at Will.

"No need to be so grouchy Princess. Brutus, Nathan, and Samantha are all dead and there isn't a trace of Daniel anywhere. That is what makes me so happy this fine afternoon."

"You're still too happy for me to deal with at the moment. Did you say afternoon?"

"Yup. You've been out cold for three whole days."

"Three days! But that can't be! It's only been a few minutes!"

"Not in reality Princess. Here have some nectar and ambrosia.

It'll help with the pain."

"Thanks Will."

"No problem Princess. That's what I'm here for."

"Why do you insist on calling me Princess?"

"Because you are."

"You don't have to address me by my title. You can call me Amelia."

"Sure thing Princess."

"You're worse than Blaze, you know that right?"

"Yes. Yes I am. Thanks for noticing." Will smiles at me and leaves. I stuff the ambrosia and nectar that Will gave me in my mouth and the pain in my stomach disappears.

I roll out of the infirmary bed and half walk half limp to the Chaos cabin for some more decent clothes than a tee shirt with a hole in the stomach and shredded jeans.

I walk into the cabin to find Blaze pasing back and forth in the sitting room while Maris trys to talk Blaze into calming down.

I quietly close the door and clear my throat. Both Blaze and Maris jump to their feet. Maris doesn't have a shirt on and his usually toned abs are covered in bandages. I look down at my stomach to see slightly bloodied bandages covering not only my stomach but my entire torso. I can't help but wonder what happened after I had passed out. I look back up at Blaze. He looks scared as all Hades knows what.

"What's wrong?" I ask to anyone who would answer.

"You passed out from a poison spear wound." Maris answered.

"I know that, but... What happened after that that caused the need for my entire torso to be bandaged?"

"Blaze. I think you should tell her what happened. I was unconscious for most of it." Maris elbows Blaze in the arm.

"After you passed out, Samantha stumbled into the clearing with a sword dripping poison. She walked up to your unconscious body, used her foot to turn you onto your back, and ran her sword straight through your heart. Samantha then pulled out the sword and proceeded to cutting up your chest. I was outraged that she took you away from me again. I thought you were dead. I killed Samantha and I made sure that she would never return in any way."

"Blaze..." I can't help but walk up to him and gently touch his face. He thought that he had lost me agian.

"Maris woke up just as I had finished with Samantha. He saw your body laying there in the middle of the clearing. He walked over to you, picked you up, and carried you into the river. I thought he was going crazy. A few minutes later be walked out of the river empty handed. I was going to beat him to death for losing your body in a river when you broke the surface gasping for air. I ran into the water and dragged you out. You were unconscious again. I ran to the infirmary with you in my arms and instructed Will to take care of you before I passed out. I woke up late last night. Maris told me that you were still unconscious in the infirmary." Blaze looks like he's about to cry. I hug him. He buries his face in my long dirty blonde hair. Yes, blonde. Not midnight black like my brother. I was blessed by Athena when I was younger, meaning intelligence, creativity, and blonde hair. Almost the complete opposite of Percy.

I bury my face in Blaze's shirt. I feel like I'm about to cry. I missed him so much and shortly after I come back to him, I go and get "killed".

The conch horn blows calling the camp to arms, again. I run out of the Chaos cabin with my sword drawn. In the middle of the cabin area is a boy everyone thought was missing.

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