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Becca's POV

"Cut! It's a wrap, guys! You all may go home and rest. Thanks for your hard work today and have a fun holiday!"

After the director stops us, I can finally loosen my hug from Billy, my partner in the film "Marry Me". Somehow, I am thankful that the director cut us just now, because I can no longer survive from his eyes..

Yeah, as you can see, I am an actress, the current famous one. If you go to Thailand right now, you may see my face literally anywhere, whether on the billboards, or even on the television. I guess, at this point, the citizens might dream about me because of those overly published faces.

No, I cannot blame them though. I did wish to be successful in the industry, but I never expected that I would get all of this spotlight so soon. These made me feel so insecure and scared at the same time. But then again, that is how life works, isn't it? Since this is what I want, I will try to enjoy all of this, even though I do not know till when I will survive.

No, I am not giving up. I do not want to be the heir of my dad's businesses at such a young age. Let's just give them to Richie instead, my one and only older brother. He is a talented businessman that has many successful businesses in Thailand. I am so sure that he could handle the businesses by himself.

"Are you going home now?" Oh, shoot. I forgot that the shooting is already done.

"A-ah, yeah." Why did I stutter though? You looked so stupid, Rebecca!

"Well, let me give you a ride to your home, Nong Bec." Oh, no, here we go again.

"Thank you so much for your offer, Phi. But actually, my brother is on his way here. I will go home with him instead." Nice, it should make him sto-

"I asked your manager, P'Chen. He told me that you will go home alone tonight. I thought he would not lie to me, did he?" I wish I could smack him in the head! Why can he be so aggressive and ask my manager about my private matters, ugh.

Think Rebecca, think.



Ah, I got it!

"In the morning, yes. He told me that he has important meetings tonight, so I told P'Chen this morning that I would probably go home alone. Then, just an hour ago, he texted me again that he could come to fetch me here. So, sorry P'Billy. Maybe, another time."

I do not know what kind of white lies that I have to deliver him if he does not fall for this one. Please just go, man. I am so tired, I do not like you, and I do not want to go home with you as well. So, get off of my sight!

"Hmm, I see, then. Hope you get a wonderful holiday, Nong Bec. See you soon on another set." I hope I will not see you again, man.

Billy, sorry to turn you down, but you are not my type. This person has been acting weird lately by giving me flowers, sending me foolish Line's stickers, staring at my eyes for hours, and always asking me to go home with him.

He is nice, actually. I do not know, you may judge me hypocrite, but I really do not want to fall in love with my working partner. I mean, movies, series, and TVCs are businesses that require us to be professional with no feelings attached. That's why, I do not want to waste my time to get into drama with his toxic fans nor with the paparazzi. I do not want to cross the line.

As he goes, I search the nearest chair to sit and rest my back a bit. I forgot when was the last time I went to massage my body. This showbiz is really not a joke since we have to work nearly 24/7 with no holiday at all, and we just got a short break for two days tomorrow.

While resting, I search for Billy's figure. I want to make sure that he has gone before I call Richie to pick me up. Yeah, remember I told you earlier? White lies. I do know that Richie is really busy today, but I am going to give it a try. Maybe he has finished his meetings.


Author's POV

The time showed 10.34 pm and there was still no sign of Richie's arrival yet. Becca was getting more and more worried because the crews were leaving one by one. The last crew was just about to wave Becca a goodbye sign and leave. Now, Becca was alone and doomed.

I should have just accepted Billy's offer, she muttered under her breath. She regretted her choice by rejecting Billy's offer that made her all alone in a dark and empty place now. All her life, she had never experienced being left alone in a place like this, quite far from the city. It had always been Richie who got to fetch her in any place in Thailand.

Now that it was getting late and her phone battery was 4% left, she decided to just call a taxi and not wait for Richie any longer. Not long after she called the taxi, she got into the car and went with the driver, who is unfortunately a fake taxi driver.

To be continued

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