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"Nana nanana~ nanana~ nanana~ nananana~" Jam humming Magic Moment by DidixDada, while playing with the foam on her body. She took hours for a morning bath, not like usual. She made sure that the soap scent would stayed on her body and made her crush smells the scent all day.

This morning is the first time of Freen picking Jam up in her home. Jam was happy, since she considered it as another step of getting to know each other more. Of course, she did not want this chance to fail. She wanted it to be perfect, so she gave her best on preparing for the day.

Once she stepped out her feet out from the bathroom, Jam smiled to the mirror that stood across the room. I hope it smells good enough for her to smell, Jam said inside her heart, while wearing her clothes. She then walked to the kitchen and took a bento box filled with variety of dishes she had prepared for Freen then put it inside her bag.

Actually, it's still 7.53 and Jam could just stood in front of her apartement later at 8.00. However, she did it on purpose; she wanted to see Freen arrival with her bike, since she knew how cool Freen would look when she was riding her motorcycle.


Jam had seen her watch for the ninth times and Freen still did not arrive yet. I would be late if she still did not come at 8.30.. Should I go now or wait for her until 9.00? Jam talked to herself, pondering the best decision since the person she had been waiting still did not showing up.


Again, Freen was nowhere to be seen. It had been an hour Jam waited for her there. I think, I should go now.. I am late already, Jam decided and stopped a taxi and minutes later she got into the car who drove her to the office.


The clock showed 09.32 and Jam had arrived at her office floor. She saw many people had started workinga. She then arrived at her seat, only to find out that Freen's seat was empty. Is she late too? Jam rummaged her bag, brought out her bento box and put it above her table. You must be late and skipped your breakfast again right, P'Freen? Jam smiled and took a seat.

Even though she knew she had stood up for an hour straight waiting for Freen earlier in the morning, Jam could not bring herself to hate her. She somehow could understand that Freen might be forgotten about her own saying last night and went straight to the office alone.

Minutes later after Jam had opened her laptop for checking today's tasks, Freen came into the room. She put all of her belongings on her table and took a seat. Jam who saw it smiled and brought the bento box with her, making her way to Freen's table.

"Good morning P'Freen! Are you coming late?" Jam said when she arrived at Freen's table.

Freen looked up, "Ah, Jam. No, I am not. I joined the morning meeting earlier. How may I help you?" Freen asked.

As expected, she forgot about it, Jam shook her head. "Nothing! Anyway, here, it's for you" Jam handed Freen the bento box.

Freen took the bento box, frowned. Jam who realized Freen's confusion then smiled. "I made it this morning, knowing that you might skip your breakfast again. However, you may it eat as your brunch or even lunch if you want" Jam explained.

"You know that you should not always do this for me, right?" Freen asked.

"I know.. I just wanted to prepare it for you.." Jam answered.

Freen sighed, "Alright, thank you Jam. Let's get back to work, shall we?" Freen said.

Jam nodded, "Yes".

The Bodyguard (FreenBecky)Where stories live. Discover now