Almost there

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"I think, I should drive you home more often now, Babe" Billy said. His sudden confession brought Becca back from her deep thinking. They had just arrived at Becca's condo.

"H-huh? Why?" Becca said, nervously rubbing her arm.

Billy turned his head and looked at her, "You don't want, hm?" 

Becca shook her head vigorously, "It's not like that.. it's just.."

"Hi, Freen!" Billy waved his arms in the air, welcoming Freen who also had just arrived. It is just so clear that her energy did not match with Billy's. He was all smiling and she was looking like she had had enough. 

"You must be tired, here's for you," Billy took something from his bag, gave it to Freen. "Drink this Freen, it's good for your focus, since you drive a lot. I want my girl to be okay whenever she's with you, you know." Billy said.

My girl? Freen shook her head, looking uninterested. "Thank you, but you can keep it for yourself." She said, without looking back at Billy. She could see Becca from her side eye, looking surprised that Freen was cold toward Billy and she just did not care anymore. I don't care if she scolds me about showing my cold side to Billy, I just don't care anymore. When Freen about to open the door, Billy stopped her again.

"Freen!" Billy said, "I think it is better if I am the one who drives Becca home.. What do you think?" Freen let out her sigh, she was too tired of this person who currently stood in front of her. She shot Billy with her cold eyes, "If she's okay with it, then, just do it." Freen quickly said, she opened the door and came inside without waiting for Billy's answer. Becca who saw it then followed Freen, after saying goodbye to Billy first.


"How many times should I tell you-"

"should not be cold toward Billy?" Freen answered Becca while undressing her clothes.

Becca hissed, "Look at me when I am talking to you!" Becca yelled, she hated it if anyone turned their back toward her while she was talking.

Freen closed her eyes, turned her body facing Becca who was mad. "What is wrong with you? He was just trying to be nice. He drove me home, he took care of me, what's wrong with that?" Becca asked.

"Shouldn't I be the one that asks those questions to you?" Freen said, calmly.

Becca frowned, "What do you mean by that?" she asked.

"Shouldn't I be the one who asks: What is wrong with you? I am your girlfriend, yet you always choose him over me. He drove you home, he took care of you, is he even your boyfriend?" Freen exhaled, "Don't you think about me at least once? Don't you think that I am not hurt by your words nor your actions?" Freen said.

Becca blinked her eyes several times, taken back by what Freen said. "At this point, I can say that you like him more than you like me. What am I then? Why should we date if you keep being like that, keep accepting everything he does and is hard to say no?" Freen asked.

"I-I.. it's not like that, Babe.." Becca said with trembling voice.

"If it is not like that, then, what?" Freen paused, "I never complain about all the things you asked me to nor forbid me to. I have tried my best, for you," Freen said, smiling sadly. "But if you cannot see that and keep asking me to do things that I am not fancy in doing, please don't push me. I know some things that you don't know about him" Freen said.

"I am sorry, I don't know if you are.." Becca looked down at her feet, feeling bad. She just realized that everything she did just hurt Freen even more.

"No worries. You are tired, go take a rest." Freen said and went to the bathroom.

"Babe.." Becca said, walked to Freen, and hugged Freen from behind, prevented her from going in.

"What is it?" Freen asked, her thumb caressed Becca's palm.

"Please forgive me.. I will try to be more considerate about you. I promise." Becca said, hugged her tighter.

Freen turned around then hugged Becca properly, "I forgave you.. I love you." Freen said, smelling Becca's hair.

Becca nodded, kissed Freen's neck. "Don't sleep here.. sleep with me, please"

Becca's voice had woken up Freen's deepest need. That soft and needy voice made her intoxicated and addicted. Moreover, the way Becca touched Freen with her plump lips made Freen go crazy in no time. I couldn't hold it anymore, Freen said in her mind. Becca was just a person that was too hard to resist.

Freen hugged Becca tighter, her hands roamed Becca's back, did not leave one inch untouched. She dove in Becca's neck, licking her jawline then her throat, kissing it some time.

"F-Freen~" Becca whimpered once her most sensitive spot in her body. 

Wrong move, Babe, Freen told herself. Upon hearing Becca's voice, Freen's action was just getting wild and wilder. She pushed Becca to the bed in her room and laid on top of her, locking all the possibilities of running away from her. Freen's right hands that was pinning her hands up above her head now traveled down to Becca's shoulder, and stopped at Becca's breasts.

"F-Freen, s-stop.." Becca pleaded, asking Freen to stop squeezing it. Freen who was already in cloud nine could not control herself anymore and kept on doing anything she wished. Feeling unsatisfied with just squeezing it from the outside, Freen's hand slid down behind Becca's tank, tried to reach the same place again, when she found out her hand had been blocked by Becca's.

"Freen.. stop, please. I am.. I am not ready for it, yet." Becca said, hardly catching her breath.

"I am sorry," Freen said then fell herself down beside Becca, losing all the moods.

To be continued

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