Post Credit 2: Enter Darkraijin's Universe!

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No Pov.

======>Serizawa Mansion, at 1:00 a.m.<=======

Ever since Crocosaurus, NinKaiju, Vise, Armorok and Aerosaur disappeared without a trace, Spitter was sleeping in his room as his eyes were slowly open and he stretched his arms. He got out of his bed & stretches his body & his tail, he's smacking his mouth as he walking into the kitchen as he got himself a glass of water and he heard footsteps from behind as he turned around and saw Vigo in his new form.

 He got out of his bed & stretches his body & his tail, he's smacking his mouth as he walking into the kitchen as he got himself a glass of water and he heard footsteps from behind as he turned around and saw Vigo in his new form

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Spitter: *yawns* Whoa Vigo, you sure look different.

Vigo: *nodded* Yep, my chest & my wings are now new improve as the Omega

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Vigo: *nodded* Yep, my chest & my wings are now new improve as the Omega.

Spitter: Like Kamen Rider Agito.

Virgo: Hmm mm, like Agito. 

Spitter: *smiles* Nice dude, very nice.

???: *certain voice* So, you guys sure woke up this early.

As they turned around and saw Kamen Rider Zoom in his normal state known as Sam Riot.

As they turned around and saw Kamen Rider Zoom in his normal state known as Sam Riot

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Sam: *smiles* What s'up.

Spitter: Hey, I know you! You're that Kamen Rider Zoom fellow who helped us fight against Godzilla and his team before. 

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